
Modified on 2010/07/20 08:27 by Bill Douglas — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The first task after installing Forensic Filer is to populate some of the tables used in the application for headings and drop down selections. This includes information about your office and staff, agencies, certifiers, and other data. You can enter the information for all of the table on by selecting the appropriate button on from the UTILITES menu.

Office Data

The office information is used to identify your address location in addition to whether you are a Coroner or Medical Examiner. addtional information such as the Coroner or ME name is also identified here. VIEW DETAILS

Office Staff

Enter additional staff member details by selecting the STAFF button from the UTILITIES menu.

Manage Logins

Enter user login information for all users based on their permissions by selecting the MANAGE LOGINS button on the UTILITIES menu.