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Modified on 2024/01/25 11:11 by Brandon Gregory Categorized as Uncategorized
Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities

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    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Autosave option for Narrative tab.
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- New responsive case page.
JUNE 2023
    FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality.
MAY 2023
    FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality.
JUNE 2022
    FFNET-433 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with Chrome and Edge hiding Session time out pop up behind other content.
JULY 2021
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA Customers - PA DOH Electronic Case Submission via EDRS Integration
MAY 2021
    FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with the FireFox browser related to the documents tab.
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA - Added support for the PA Request to Amend the Medical Information on a Death Record Worksheet, Form HD002181 REV 06/20
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Improved date entry on Webkit browsers.
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- End users can change security questions.
JUNE 2020
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA Customers - added Toxicology export option for submission to OverdoseFreePA.org
MAY 2020
    FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Fix overdose tab save issue.
APRIL 2020
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Overdose tab added to the Case screen
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Toxicology tab added to the Case screen
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Statistical Reporting with charts and graphs added
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Organ Donation tracking added to the Disposition tab of the Case screen
MARCH 2020
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA - Added support for the PA Medical Certification Worksheet, Form HD02036F REV 07/18
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added environmental information fields to Scene tab and comprehensive report.
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added intervention fields to Cause/Manner tab and comprehensive report.
    FFNET-526 - BUG FIX- Fix browser-specific issue with add certifier button.
    FFNET-521 - BUG FIX- Fix permission to cremate with pending display issue.
    FFNET-473 - BUG FIX- Fix Cause/Manner tab visibility issues.
    FFNET-411 - ENHANCEMENT- Change Comprehensive Report to include several missing fields.
JUNE 2019
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added a case medications list report to the Print Form tab.
APRIL 2019
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added a disk space notification to the media vault tab.
    FFNET-231 - ENHANCEMENT- Narrative Tab - New button to auto-generate initial narrative text from case data
    FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with the Injury Date not appearing correctly on the Case Summary report when the Injury Date is set to "Unknown"
    FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Updated the "Case Type" drop down on the Demographics tab to sort both the built-in Case Types and the Client-specific Case Types together alphabetically, making them easier to find the desired choice.
    FFNET-531 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with modal popups not working correctly in Chrome and Edge due to changes in those browsers
JULY 2018
    FFNET-529 - BUG FIX- Receipt for Documents Report had the word Coroner hard-coded and has been fixed to pull the Office Type (Coroner or Medical Examiner) dynamically from the Office Setup screen.
    FFNET-528 - BUG FIX- Case Summary Report had the word Coroner hard-coded and has been fixed to pull the Office Type (Coroner or Medical Examiner) dynamically from the Office Setup screen.
    FFNET-527 - BUG FIX- Case Comprehensive Report had the word Coroner hard-coded and has been fixed to pull the Office Type (Coroner or Medical Examiner) dynamically from the Office Setup screen.
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added support for the NC Death Certificate DHHS 1872 (REVISED 11/2017)
    NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added support for the PA Death Certificate H105-143 REV 11/2017
    ROLLUP-01 - ENHANCEMENT- Several bug fixes, new data elements for Injury Date Qualifier and POD Other Desc.
JULY 2017
    FFNET-510 - BUG FIX- MediaVault tab causes record save even when nothing was changed.
    FFNET-514 - BUG FIX- Created by list on Case Management filter area was in no discernible order, now is alphabetical.
    FFNET-513 - BUG FIX- View-only selection button inoperable if only single case returned from filter on Case Management screen.
    FFNET-511 - BUG FIX- Media Vault errors out when changing between records in view-only mode.
    FFNET-506 - ENHANCEMENT- Add user-specific advanced filtering to case management screen.
JUNE 2017
    FFNET-491 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Date Filled and Filled Count to medications section of Case Summary report.
    FFNET-495 - ENHANCEMENT- Minor text revisions.
    FFNET-441 - ENHANCEMENT- Add framework for additional print options.
    FFNET-501 - ENHANCEMENT- Subpoena - Enable option to select the Person Issuing to be shown in the signature line with title.
    FFNET-500 - ENHANCEMENT- Implement PA Motor Vehicle Death Report REV 04/2016.
    FFNET-499 - ENHANCEMENT- PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015 - separate print options for box 1 and landscape decedent name printing.
    FFNET-499 - ENHANCEMENT- PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015 - add optional parameter for user specified Certifier Title to be printed in box 23b.
MARCH 2017
    FFNET-480 - ENHANCEMENT- Improve Safari Compatibility.
    FFNET-494 - ENHANCEMENT- Add selection lists to Disposition custody by/of fields.
    FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Box 32, PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015 - spell month when BETWEEN feature is selected.
JUNE 2016
    FFNET-493 - ENHANCEMENT- Implement PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015.
    FFNET-441 - ENHANCEMENT- Changes to improve readability of PDF version of PA Death Certificate.
    FFNET-478 - ENHANCEMENT- Enable additional section of PA Drug Death report.
    FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Enable UNKNOWN choice for Marital Status.
    FFNET-266 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Date Filled, Fill Count, Prescription Number to medications tab.
    FFNET-489 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Cremation Authorizer/Certifier Name to Cremation/Disposition Authorization Form
    FFNET-328 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Administrator capability to export basic case data to Excel for external reporting
    FFNET-463 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with vehicle deletion.
    FFNET-487 - BUG FIX- Fix comprehensive report where some occupant positions were printing blank.
    FFNET-488 - BUG FIX- Fix main menu layout fails when new user-defined case type or decedent name are too long.
    FFNET-481 - BUG FIX- Fix injury tab spell check functionality.
    FFNET-477 - BUG FIX- Fix several display issues with comprehensive report.
    FFNET-485 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with injury date displaying in MVA section of Comprehensive report (when not MVA).
    FFNET-482 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with error caused when user logs in multiple times.
JULY 2014
    FFNET-478 - ENHANCEMENT- New PA Drug Death report (partially complete, usable).
MAY 2014
    FFNET-476 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with error caused when user attempts to delete an agency contact that is used on a case.
    FFNET-461 - ENHANCEMENT- New feature to allow client-specific case types.
    FFNET-475 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with error caused when user misinterprets process for attaching new case agency contact.
APRIL 2014
    FFNET-467 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with incorrect error message displayed to users when attempting to add a duplicate list value.
    FFNET-464 - ENHANCEMENT- Clarified verbiage and user interface design for login errors.
    FFNET-465 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with PA Public Review form when age greater than 100 years.
    FFNET-462 - ENHANCEMENT- Added option for 24-hour time format.
    FFNET-460 - BUG FIX- Fix display issues relating to use of save-between-tabs feature.
    FFNET-456 - ENHANCEMENT- Pre-populate Scene tab place of death fields when residence is selected.
    FFNET-369 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Hospice to scene tab and relevant death certificates.
    FFNET-459 - BUG FIX- Fix IE11 issue with timeout warning.
    FFNET-458 - BUG FIX- Fix untrapped handler error (site performance related).
    FFNET-? ?? - ENHANCEMENT- Improved user experience for IE11 users.
    FFNET-457 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Fetal Death case type.
    FFNET-455 - BUG FIX- Changed cremation authorization place-of-death calculations to display data from scene tab even if POD is not a facility.
    FFNET-453 - BUG FIX- Fixed military status default (sometimes would default to "unknown" instead of "blank").
    FFNET-454 - BUG FIX- Fixed case deletion feature for IE10/11 bug.
    FFNET-451 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Cremation Authorization to QuickPrint forms.
    FFNET-442 - ENHANCEMENT- Added ability to quickcopy NOK info to Informant.
    FFNET-443 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Quick Print feature to case tab.
    FFNET-449 - BUG FIX- Fixed "injured in another county" report (wrong filter criteria applied).
    FFNET-445 - BUG FIX- Fixed "deaths involving alcohol" report (wrong filter criteria applied).
    FFNET-444 - BUG FIX- Fixed misleading label on Case Summary report.
    FFNET-440 - ENHANCEMENT- Added check to provide warning if Case# is duplicate.
    FFNET-439 - ENHANCEMENT- Print Certificate Disposition on PA Death Certificate if "revised" is checked.
    FFNET-438 - BUG FIX- Fixed several display inconsistencies on Case Summary report (incident date/time, pronounced time format).
    FFNET-? ?? - ENHANCEMENT- Updated PA Death Certificate to REV 07/2012.
    FFNET-437 - BUG FIX- Last Password Change date was not being updated when Administrator manually reset user password.
    FFNET-308 - ENHANCEMENT- Changed the All Case Records report to allow for filtering by Autopsy Performed, and added total record count to report footer.
    FFNET-421 - ENHANCEMENT- Add record count to all report footers.
JULY 2013
    FFNET-433 - BUG FIX- Case Comprehensive report was not displaying some extremely long narratives in entirety.
    FFNET-? ?? - ENHANCEMENT- Made some design changes to logo/etc.
    Violent death changes to the entry screens will be used for state level reporting functions. Additional forms and reports will be added in a future update so that the data entered in these fields can be selected and printed by individual counties
MAY 2013
    FFNET-414 - ENHANCEMENT- Add disk space usage information to administrator screen.
MARCH 2013
    FFNET-428 - ENHANCEMENT- Changed PA Death Certificate to auto-fill box 39a
    FFNET-426 - BUG FIX- Fixed issue regarding incorrect age calculation for infant deaths on demographics screen
    FFNET-425 - BUG FIX- Fixed issue regarding users receiving crash error instead of friendly error when attempting to add duplicate zip codes
    FFNET-422 - ENHANCEMENT- Change phone extension fields to allow letters as well as numbers
    FFNET-424 - ENHANCEMENT- Restyle contact grid insert footer to better seperate fields
    FFNET-415 - ENHANCEMENT- Add spell check functions
    FFNET-413 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Excel output capabilties for specific state violent death reporting functions
    FFNET-412 - ENHANCEMENT- Add violent death data to INJURY tab
    FFNET-410 - ENHANCEMENT- Add violent death data to AUTOPSY tab
    FFNET-407 - ENHANCEMENT- Add EMS ON SCENE drop down to SCENE tab
    FFNET-406 - BUG FIX - Corrected issue where an error occured if a user tried to delete an image file from the Mediavault tab
    FFNET-404 - BUG FIX - Corrected issue regarding spouses last name not printing if blank entered and then replaced with name value
    FFNET-402 - ENHANCEMENT- Add option to NOK tab to copy decedents address if same as next of kin
    FFNET-400 - ENHANCEMENT- Add PASSENGER SIDE and DRIVER SIDE to selection list on MVA tab
    FFNET-397 - ENHANCEMENT - Add an additional message to the login page indicating that application updates were recently applied
    FFNET-374 - ENHANCEMENT- Add comment section to the bottom portion of the cremation form
    FFNET-200 - ENHANCEMENT- Added DESCRIBE field if OTHER selected on DISPOSITION tab
    FFNET-MISC - ENHANCEMENT - New Medications table with over 5000 prescription and non-prescription drugs
    FFNET-394 - ENHANCEMENT - Provide advanced notice to user that password is going to expire
    FFNET-393 - BUG FIX - Admininistrator screen display quirk in IE9
    FFNET-392 - BUG FIX - Selecting an image file from the list and then selecting another navigation tab resulted in an SQL error 211 being logged on the server
    FFNET-390 - BUG FIX - Corrected a mispelling of FUNERAL on the comprehensive form
    FFNET-387 - BUG FIX- Change the PA death certificate box 6 to print the name of the month not the month number
    FFNET-386 - ENHANCEMENT - Added a locked case indicator for each line on the main case management screen
    FFNET-383 - ENHANCEMENT - Add new motor vehicle form AA-34 for Pennsylvania users
    FFNET-363 - ENHANCEMENT - Added the ability to select multiple contacts when selecting an agency
    FFNET-335 - ENHANCEMENT - Added log in count by user
    FFNET-304 - ENHANCEMENT - Added a female diagram to the list of available forms
    FFNET-213 - ENHANCEMENT - New MediaVault tab
   ! HOT FIXES !
    FFNET-380 - BUG FIX - Changed the SUMMARY form to print the PLACE of death when using OTHER or RESIDENCE on the SCENE tab - Completed and placed into production 02/14/2012
    FFNET-230 - ENHANCEMENT - New WI Death Certificate - Changed death certificate to new format F-05040 Rev. 12/09 - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012
    FFNET-375 - ENHANCEMENT - Added CREMATION ONLY and INMATE as case type selections - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012
    FFNET-365 - BUG FIX - Case number too long causes screen distortion on CASE MANAGMENT main page - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012
    FFNET-318 - BUG FIX - Time of death displayed incorrectly on CASE SUMMARY form - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012
    FFNET-346 - ENHANCEMENT - New PA Death Certificate - Change death certificate to new 8.5x14.00 format H105-149 REV 07/2011 - Completed and placed into production 01/01/2012
    FFNET-362 - BUG FIX - Age calculation not correct if DOD was same month as DOB- Fixed and placed into production 12/8/2011
    FFNET-360 - BUG FIX - Valuables not printing correctlty on form- Fixed and placed into prduction 12/8/2011
    FFNET-331 - BUG FIX - Changing field and selecting CASE MANAGEMENT link did not auto-save change- Fixed and placed into production 12/8/2011
    Web Server Upgrade - Completed and placed into production October 6, 2011
    FFNET-321 - ENHANCEMENT - Add DOCUMENTS tab - Completed and placed into production 8/9/2011
    FFNET-320 - BUG FIX - vehicle occupant tab allows the user to attempt a save when no vehicle has been selected - Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011
    FFNET-317 - BUG FIX - Time of death not correctly printing on Comprehensive form if 12:xx AM - Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011
    FFNET-316 - BUG FIX - Correct check box behavior on Dates/Times tab - Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011
    FFNET-315 - BUG FIX - Display an error message if display name already exists- Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011
    FFNET-289 - BUG FIX - Date or time not displaying on screen correctly if between, unknown or approximate are selected - Fixed and placed into production 8/09/2011
    FFNET-314 - BUG FIX - Date vailidation on all tabs - Fixed and placed into production 6/21/2011
    FFNET-310 - ENHANCEMENT- Add check box on log in screen to acknowledge non-compliant browsers- Changed and placed into production 6/21/2011
    FFNET-305 - BUG FIX - Timeout countdown sometimes not visable - Fixed and placed into production 5/31/2011
    FFNET-302 - CHANGE- Change spell check function for long narratives - Changed and placed into production 5/31/2011
    FFNET-190 - ENHANCEMENT - SUBPOENA print form - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-191 - ENHANCEMENT - MEDIA RELEASE form - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-96 - ENHANCEMENT - PERSONAL EFFECTS form - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-272 - ENHANCEMENT - Agency contact lookup capability - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-269 BUG FIX - Place of death POD on cremation tab should be disabled if Scene POD Type is not any of the "hospital" types - Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-271 - BUG FIX - PA death certificate issues- Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-282 - BUG FIX - Main menu misalighned if long decedent name in list - Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-284 - BUG FIX - PA Death certificate needs additional item selection for tobacco use - Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011
    FFNET-240 - BUG FIX - Autopsy facility does not print on form - Fixed and placed into production 4/15/2011
    FFNET-283 - CLIENT TICKET - Missing cases on list - Resolved 4/25/2011
   ! HOT FIXES !
    FFNET-189 - ENHANCEMENT - Highway deaths (MVA)print form - Added and placed into production 03/14/2011
    FFNET-264 - ENHANCEMENT - Rapidly changing tabs results in error and changes not not saved - Changed and placed into production 03/04/2011
    FFNET-263 - BUGFIX - Selecting CASE MANAGEMENT does not save changes - Fixed and placed into production 03/04/2011
    FFNET-262 - BUGFIX - Date signed not printing on death certificate - Fixed and placed into production 03/04/2011
    FFNET-260 - BUGFIX - Empty date situation for chain of custody - Fixed and placed into production 02/25/2011
    FFNET-259 - BUGFIX - In certain situations a NO selection was not allowed on the INJURY tab regarding death due to injury, weapons, or MVA - Fixed and placed into production 02/28/2011
    FFNET-256 - ENHANCEMENT -Added forms margin settings - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-255 - BUGFIX - AUTOSAVE Minor issue in certain situations - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-254 - ENHANCEMENT - Increase size of autopsy result field to 95 characters - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-253 - BUGFIX - Return and select not functioning correctly on verified by fields - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-251 - ENHANCEMENT - Add statement to login page regarding unsupported browser use - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-250 - ENHANCEMENT - Redaction of fields used on PA review of form - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-242 - ENHANCEMENT - Revision date at bottom of screen link to revision history on support WIKI - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-239 - BUGFIX - Return and select not showing on some agency type fields if added from tab - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011
    FFNET-235 - ENHANCEMENT - Add HELP ? on login page - Changed and placed into production 02/11/2011
    FFNET-234 - ENHANCEMENT - Add comment on login page regarding a valid email address must be used for the user name field - Changed and placed into production 02/11/2011
    FFNET-233 - BUGFIX - Adding cremation case created an error in some situations - Changed and placed into production 02/01/2011
November and December 2010
    FFNET-228 - Certifier drop down changes on CAUSE/MANNER and DISPOSITION tabs
    FFNET-226 - Completed PA death certificate
    FFNET-225 - Create Person-Agency Type "Pronounced By"
    FFNET-221 - Comprehensive form changes/enhancements
    FFNET-212 - Allow users to create their own password - Changed and placed into production 10/05/2010
    FFNET-216 - Sign completely out of application after specified amount of idle time - Changed and placed into production 10/05/2010
    FFNET-218 - Changed password change notification to specified email address - Changed and placed into production 10/05/2010
September 2010
   ! HOT FIXES ! 08-27-2010
    FFNET-212 - Add capability for user to change their password - Changed and placed into production 09/15/2010
JULY 2010
    FFNET-26 - A toggle button has been placed on the bottom right portion of all screens,to go between EDIT and VIEW ONLY
    FFNET-82 - Print forms case number selection option
    FFNET-94 - Add Case Summary to the print forms list
    FFNET-168 - Added spell check to fields on multiple tabs
    FFNET-166 - Create columns on UTILITIES tab.
    FFNET-163 - Added Pathologists table entry/update to the utilities menu
JUNE 2010
    FFNET-128 - Added two help icons (?) on each page
    06/25/2010 Added PHARMACY table to UTLILITIES menu
    06/25/2010 Completed AUTOPSY AUTHORIZATION print form and placed into production.
    FFNET-141 Added Autopsy Authorization to print forms selection list
    06/18/2010 The text boxes on all screens for the TIME field were changed to display hh:mm:ss.
    06/18/2010 Added HELP button on all pages which opens this SUPPORT WIKI.
    06/18/2010 Witness Tab - Agency drop down needs populated with table list
    06/18/2010 Medications Tab - Regimen drop down lst added to form.
    06/18/2010 Cremation Authorization Form - Added form to list in production vesrsion.
    06/10/2010 Demographics Tab - Soc Sec # allow for all zeros to be entered as a valid SSN
   FFNET-133 Added medications drop down to MEDICATIONS tab
    06/07/2010 Added AGENCIES tab


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Autosave option for Narrative tab.

Added script to Narrative tab that autosaves the narrative text after a short interval to minimize loss of data from automatic log out from 30 minutes of inactivity. Option for autosave can be activated or deactivated on the MyAccount page.

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- New responsive case page.

New responsive case page has been created to allow for enhanced mobile friendly data entry for case management. Option to use the new responsive case page or legacy case page can be selected on the MyAccount page.

JUNE 2023

FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality.

Enhance styling to increase the mobile responsiveness to the User Administration, Print Forms, Reports, Utilities and Case Management pages.

MAY 2023

FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality.

Advanced Case Filter on the Case Management screen allows users to filter by Case Type and Investigator.

The UI has been redesigned to allow for easier browsing on mobile devices for the Case Management screen, Utlities, Print Forms and Reports.

JUNE 2022

FFNET-433 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with Chrome and Edge hiding Session time out pop up behind other content.

JULY 2021

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA Customers - PA DOH Electronic Case Submission via EDRS Integration

PA Customers can now submit cases directly to the Department of Health via the EDRS Bridge

  1. Eliminate double data entry by submitting cases with the click of a button in Forensic Filer.
  2. Sync and Certify a Case in PA EDRS - FOR DETAILS SEE: Step by Step Instructions

MAY 2021

FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with the FireFox browser related to the documents tab.

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA - Added support for the PA Request to Amend the Medical Information on a Death Record Worksheet, Form HD002181 REV 06/20

There are two options for printing this Form.

  1. This Form can be printed directly from a Case using the [Quick Print] option.
  2. This Form can also be printed from the [Print Form] tab for any chosen Decedent, OR a Blank form can be viewed and printed as well.


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Improved date entry on Webkit browsers.


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- End users can change security questions.

JUNE 2020

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA Customers - added Toxicology export option for submission to OverdoseFreePA.org

MAY 2020

FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Fix overdose tab save issue.

APRIL 2020

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Overdose tab added to the Case screen

Overdose Tab.

  1. Most Overdose fields can be used in Report Selection Criteria for Case Listing Reports, or the new Statistics Report.
  2. All Overdose information will also print on the Comprehensive Report.


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Toxicology tab added to the Case screen

Toxicology Tab.

  1. All Toxicology information will print on the Comprehensive Report.


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Statistical Reporting with charts and graphs added

Statistics Reporting

  1. Available on the Reports tab
  2. Allows multiple criteria for selecting cases
  3. Results can be displayed in 7 different graph types
  4. Results can be distributed in 16 different categories (i.e. by Age, by Race, by Gender, by Primary Cause, etc)

    This example shows 2019 Cardiac cases by Marital Status, using a Pie Chart


    This example shows 2019 Cardiac cases by Age Range, using a Pie Chart


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Organ Donation tracking added to the Disposition tab of the Case screen

Disposition Tab, new Organ Donation fields.

  1. Reports have new selection criteria options for Organ Donation.
  2. All Organ Donation information will also print on the Comprehensive Report.


MARCH 2020

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- PA - Added support for the PA Medical Certification Worksheet, Form HD02036F REV 07/18

There are two options for printing this Form.

  1. This Form can be printed directly from a Case using the [Quick Print] option.


  2. This Form can also be printed from the [Print Form] tab for any chosen Decedent, OR a Blank form can be viewed and printed as well.



NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added environmental information fields to Scene tab and comprehensive report.


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added intervention fields to Cause/Manner tab and comprehensive report.

FOR DETAILS SEE: Cause/Manner Tab


FFNET-526 - BUG FIX- Fix browser-specific issue with add certifier button.

FFNET-521 - BUG FIX- Fix permission to cremate with pending display issue.

FFNET-473 - BUG FIX- Fix Cause/Manner tab visibility issues.

FFNET-411 - ENHANCEMENT- Change Comprehensive Report to include several missing fields.

JUNE 2019

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added a case medications list report to the Print Form tab.

APRIL 2019

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added a disk space notification to the media vault tab.

FFNET-231 - ENHANCEMENT- Narrative Tab - New button to auto-generate initial narrative text from case data

  1. There is a new "Auto-Generate" button on the bottom of the Narrative tab.
  2. When the button is clicked, you will be prompted to confirm overwriting the existing narrative with narrative text that is automatically generated based on existing case data.
  3. This auto-generated narrative is intended to be a starting point that fills in basic details to assist in typing.
  4. This feature can be disabled by the Administrator on the Office Profile section of the Administrators page if they don't want their staff using it.


FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with the Injury Date not appearing correctly on the Case Summary report when the Injury Date is set to "Unknown"

FFNET-000 - BUG FIX- Updated the "Case Type" drop down on the Demographics tab to sort both the built-in Case Types and the Client-specific Case Types together alphabetically, making them easier to find the desired choice.


FFNET-531 - BUG FIX- Fixed an issue with modal popups not working correctly in Chrome and Edge due to changes in those browsers

JULY 2018

FFNET-529 - BUG FIX- Receipt for Documents Report had the word Coroner hard-coded and has been fixed to pull the Office Type (Coroner or Medical Examiner) dynamically from the Office Setup screen.

FFNET-528 - BUG FIX- Case Summary Report had the word Coroner hard-coded and has been fixed to pull the Office Type (Coroner or Medical Examiner) dynamically from the Office Setup screen.

FFNET-527 - BUG FIX- Case Comprehensive Report had the word Coroner hard-coded and has been fixed to pull the Office Type (Coroner or Medical Examiner) dynamically from the Office Setup screen.

NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added support for the NC Death Certificate DHHS 1872 (REVISED 11/2017)


NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Added support for the PA Death Certificate H105-143 REV 11/2017


ROLLUP-01 - ENHANCEMENT- Several bug fixes, new data elements for Injury Date Qualifier and POD Other Desc.

JULY 2017

FFNET-510 - BUG FIX- MediaVault tab causes record save even when nothing was changed.

FFNET-514 - BUG FIX- Created by list on Case Management filter area was in no discernible order, now is alphabetical.

FFNET-513 - BUG FIX- View-only selection button inoperable if only single case returned from filter on Case Management screen.

FFNET-511 - BUG FIX- Media Vault errors out when changing between records in view-only mode.

FFNET-506 - ENHANCEMENT- Add user-specific advanced filtering to case management screen.

  1. When you select the new [Advanced Case Filter] option, you can choose to "Exclude Locked Cases" and/or to only view cases CREATED BY a specific person.
  2. When the [Advanced Case Filter] options are in effect, the [Search for Decedent] option will respect those selections. So, for example, if you have chosen to “Exclude Locked Cases”, and you search for cases with the name “Davis”, any case with the name “Davis”, but that is Locked, will not show in the search results. This is important to keep in mind when searching for cases, as you may need to change your options back to [All Cases] to find the case you are searching for.
  3. Additionally, when you logout from Forensic Filer, it will save your currently selected options ([All Cases], [Recent Cases], or [Advanced Case Filter] and associated sub-options) so that when you logon next time, they will be automatically applied the same way.

JUNE 2017

FFNET-491 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Date Filled and Filled Count to medications section of Case Summary report.

FFNET-495 - ENHANCEMENT- Minor text revisions.

FFNET-441 - ENHANCEMENT- Add framework for additional print options.

FFNET-501 - ENHANCEMENT- Subpoena - Enable option to select the Person Issuing to be shown in the signature line with title.

FFNET-500 - ENHANCEMENT- Implement PA Motor Vehicle Death Report REV 04/2016.

FFNET-499 - ENHANCEMENT- PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015 - separate print options for box 1 and landscape decedent name printing.

  1. Administrators, under the Form/Report Options for the D/C will see the option for [Line 1 - Decedent Name], and [Name of Decedent (Landscape)]

FFNET-499 - ENHANCEMENT- PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015 - add optional parameter for user specified Certifier Title to be printed in box 23b.

  1. An optional parameter can be set up to specify the Title of the Certifier to be printed in the bottom, right corner of box 23b on the PA D/C
  2. Administrators must contact if they wish this option to be enabled for their County

MARCH 2017

FFNET-480 - ENHANCEMENT- Improve Safari Compatibility.


FFNET-494 - ENHANCEMENT- Add selection lists to Disposition custody by/of fields.


FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Box 32, PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015 - spell month when BETWEEN feature is selected.

JUNE 2016

FFNET-493 - ENHANCEMENT- Implement PA Death Certificate REV 10/2015.


FFNET-441 - ENHANCEMENT- Changes to improve readability of PDF version of PA Death Certificate.


FFNET-478 - ENHANCEMENT- Enable additional section of PA Drug Death report.

FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Enable UNKNOWN choice for Marital Status.


FFNET-266 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Date Filled, Fill Count, Prescription Number to medications tab.


FFNET-489 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Cremation Authorizer/Certifier Name to Cremation/Disposition Authorization Form

FFNET-328 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Administrator capability to export basic case data to Excel for external reporting


FFNET-463 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with vehicle deletion.


FFNET-487 - BUG FIX- Fix comprehensive report where some occupant positions were printing blank.

FFNET-488 - BUG FIX- Fix main menu layout fails when new user-defined case type or decedent name are too long.


FFNET-481 - BUG FIX- Fix injury tab spell check functionality.

FFNET-477 - BUG FIX- Fix several display issues with comprehensive report.


FFNET-485 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with injury date displaying in MVA section of Comprehensive report (when not MVA).

FFNET-482 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with error caused when user logs in multiple times.

JULY 2014

FFNET-478 - ENHANCEMENT- New PA Drug Death report (partially complete, usable).

MAY 2014

FFNET-476 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with error caused when user attempts to delete an agency contact that is used on a case.

FFNET-461 - ENHANCEMENT- New feature to allow client-specific case types.

FFNET-475 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with error caused when user misinterprets process for attaching new case agency contact.

APRIL 2014

FFNET-467 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with incorrect error message displayed to users when attempting to add a duplicate list value.

FFNET-464 - ENHANCEMENT- Clarified verbiage and user interface design for login errors.

FFNET-465 - BUG FIX- Fix issue with PA Public Review form when age greater than 100 years.

FFNET-462 - ENHANCEMENT- Added option for 24-hour time format.


FFNET-460 - BUG FIX- Fix display issues relating to use of save-between-tabs feature.

FFNET-456 - ENHANCEMENT- Pre-populate Scene tab place of death fields when residence is selected.

FFNET-369 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Hospice to scene tab and relevant death certificates.


FFNET-459 - BUG FIX- Fix IE11 issue with timeout warning.

FFNET-458 - BUG FIX- Fix untrapped handler error (site performance related).

FFNET-? ?? - ENHANCEMENT- Improved user experience for IE11 users.


FFNET-457 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Fetal Death case type.


FFNET-455 - BUG FIX- Changed cremation authorization place-of-death calculations to display data from scene tab even if POD is not a facility.

FFNET-453 - BUG FIX- Fixed military status default (sometimes would default to "unknown" instead of "blank").

FFNET-454 - BUG FIX- Fixed case deletion feature for IE10/11 bug.

FFNET-451 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Cremation Authorization to QuickPrint forms.

FFNET-442 - ENHANCEMENT- Added ability to quickcopy NOK info to Informant.


FFNET-443 - ENHANCEMENT- Added Quick Print feature to case tab.

FFNET-449 - BUG FIX- Fixed "injured in another county" report (wrong filter criteria applied).

FFNET-445 - BUG FIX- Fixed "deaths involving alcohol" report (wrong filter criteria applied).

FFNET-444 - BUG FIX- Fixed misleading label on Case Summary report.


FFNET-440 - ENHANCEMENT- Added check to provide warning if Case# is duplicate.

FFNET-439 - ENHANCEMENT- Print Certificate Disposition on PA Death Certificate if "revised" is checked.

FFNET-438 - BUG FIX- Fixed several display inconsistencies on Case Summary report (incident date/time, pronounced time format).

FFNET-? ?? - ENHANCEMENT- Updated PA Death Certificate to REV 07/2012.


FFNET-437 - BUG FIX- Last Password Change date was not being updated when Administrator manually reset user password.

FFNET-308 - ENHANCEMENT- Changed the All Case Records report to allow for filtering by Autopsy Performed, and added total record count to report footer.

FFNET-421 - ENHANCEMENT- Add record count to all report footers.

JULY 2013

FFNET-433 - BUG FIX- Case Comprehensive report was not displaying some extremely long narratives in entirety.

FFNET-? ?? - ENHANCEMENT- Made some design changes to logo/etc.


Violent death changes to the entry screens will be used for state level reporting functions. Additional forms and reports will be added in a future update so that the data entered in these fields can be selected and printed by individual counties

MAY 2013

FFNET-414 - ENHANCEMENT- Add disk space usage information to administrator screen.

MARCH 2013

FFNET-428 - ENHANCEMENT- Changed PA Death Certificate to auto-fill box 39a


FFNET-426 - BUG FIX- Fixed issue regarding incorrect age calculation for infant deaths on demographics screen

FFNET-425 - BUG FIX- Fixed issue regarding users receiving crash error instead of friendly error when attempting to add duplicate zip codes


FFNET-422 - ENHANCEMENT- Change phone extension fields to allow letters as well as numbers

FFNET-424 - ENHANCEMENT- Restyle contact grid insert footer to better seperate fields


FFNET-415 - ENHANCEMENT- Add spell check functions

  1. Ignore words with all caps, this will also eliminate the issue of middle initials showing as mispelled
  2. Ignore words with numbers, this would eliminate the issue of foreign zip codes and incident numbers
  3. Add client specific dictionaries

In a future release we will add the ability to add words to the dictionary.

FFNET-413 - ENHANCEMENT- Add Excel output capabilties for specific state violent death reporting functions

FFNET-412 - ENHANCEMENT- Add violent death data to INJURY tab

FFNET-410 - ENHANCEMENT- Add violent death data to AUTOPSY tab


FFNET-407 - ENHANCEMENT- Add EMS ON SCENE drop down to SCENE tab

Values YES-NO-UNKNOWN-blank

FFNET-406 - BUG FIX - Corrected issue where an error occured if a user tried to delete an image file from the Mediavault tab

FFNET-404 - BUG FIX - Corrected issue regarding spouses last name not printing if blank entered and then replaced with name value

This issue only affected the PA death certificate if a blank was entered and saved and then later a valid name was entered.


This field is used on some death certificates if OTHER is selected for the place of death when death was not in a health care facility

FFNET-402 - ENHANCEMENT- Add option to NOK tab to copy decedents address if same as next of kin

A warning message will be displyed requiring confirmation that the user wants to copy the decedents address to the NOK record.

FFNET-400 - ENHANCEMENT- Add PASSENGER SIDE and DRIVER SIDE to selection list on MVA tab


FFNET-397 - ENHANCEMENT - Add an additional message to the login page indicating that application updates were recently applied

The window for recent changes is set to 15 days.

FFNET-374 - ENHANCEMENT- Add comment section to the bottom portion of the cremation form

Currently, the developers can enter text provided by a county into a comment section on the bottom of the cremation form. An example might be a state law reference regarding cremations or a portion that can be used to request payment information for a cremation form. In a future update we will provide a section on the utilities menu where an user with administrator permissions can enter the text to include on the form.


FFNET-200 - ENHANCEMENT- Added DESCRIBE field if OTHER selected on DISPOSITION tab


FFNET-MISC - ENHANCEMENT - New Medications table with over 5000 prescription and non-prescription drugs

Created a new medications table that will be populated for all new clients. Current clients will have the option to keep their existing table or have the new table added to their list of medications. The medications table is used for the dropdown selection on the Medications Tab

FFNET-394 - ENHANCEMENT - Provide advanced notice to user that password is going to expire

The user will receive a message starting 30 days before the password expires. The user should change the password when they first receive the message. The password will expire again in six months.

FFNET-393 - BUG FIX - Admininistrator screen display quirk in IE9

IE9 only, when attempting to edit the client record on the administration screen, clicking on the state dropdownlist causes it to relocate behind other items making it impossible to select a different state. RESOLVED

FFNET-392 - BUG FIX - Selecting an image file from the list and then selecting another navigation tab resulted in an SQL error 211 being logged on the server

RESOLVED The user would be taken back to the selection screen and any text fields entered, for example:display name, comments, etc would not be saved and no error message was provided to the user. RESOLUTION Modified the program to eliminate the error message sent to the server. In addition, a new user message was added to inform the user that selecting a different Media Type will remove any data in the custom fields and require the user to select OK or cancel to proceed.

FFNET-390 - BUG FIX - Corrected a mispelling of FUNERAL on the comprehensive form

FFNET-387 - BUG FIX- Change the PA death certificate box 6 to print the name of the month not the month number

FFNET-386 - ENHANCEMENT - Added a locked case indicator for each line on the main case management screen

FFNET-383 - ENHANCEMENT - Add new motor vehicle form AA-34 for Pennsylvania users


FFNET-363 - ENHANCEMENT - Added the ability to select multiple contacts when selecting an agency

FFNET-335 - ENHANCEMENT - Added log in count by user

Added count of logins for each user within last 30 days to the administrator screen.

FFNET-304 - ENHANCEMENT - Added a female diagram to the list of available forms

FFNET-213 - ENHANCEMENT - New MediaVault tab

Created a premium level documents function, adding more details to description of each image or document in addtion to no size limit.
Administrators can create media types and add up to five customizable fields for each type.
Administrators can select the image size, from small, medium, large to store - Premium chargeable feature MediaVault
Also added a new CASE DOCUMENTS item on the REPORTS menu



  1. Added the casenumber into the report options table so that it can be turned on/off by ADMINISTRATOR- Changed and placed into production 02/14/2011
  2. Box 8b on the Wisconsin death certificate changed to print city, town, or village only, removed the STATE- Changed and placed into production 02/14/2011

FFNET-380 - BUG FIX - Changed the SUMMARY form to print the PLACE of death when using OTHER or RESIDENCE on the SCENE tab - Completed and placed into production 02/14/2012

FFNET-230 - ENHANCEMENT - New WI Death Certificate - Changed death certificate to new format F-05040 Rev. 12/09 - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012

FFNET-375 - ENHANCEMENT - Added CREMATION ONLY and INMATE as case type selections - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012


FFNET-365 - BUG FIX - Case number too long causes screen distortion on CASE MANAGMENT main page - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012

FFNET-318 - BUG FIX - Time of death displayed incorrectly on CASE SUMMARY form - Completed and placed into production 02/07/2012

FFNET-346 - ENHANCEMENT - New PA Death Certificate - Change death certificate to new 8.5x14.00 format H105-149 REV 07/2011 - Completed and placed into production 01/01/2012


FFNET-362 - BUG FIX - Age calculation not correct if DOD was same month as DOB- Fixed and placed into production 12/8/2011

If a decendents date of death was in the same month the day was before their actual birth date the age was not correct.

FFNET-360 - BUG FIX - Valuables not printing correctlty on form- Fixed and placed into prduction 12/8/2011

Whenever 2 decedents are chosen for the report, the second decedents "Line 19 - Decedent 2 Role in Accident is incorrectly showing the same occupant status as the first decedent.

FFNET-331 - BUG FIX - Changing field and selecting CASE MANAGEMENT link did not auto-save change- Fixed and placed into production 12/8/2011

Web Server Upgrade - Completed and placed into production October 6, 2011

We upgraded our hosting environment infrastructure on October 6, 2011.

This upgrade included new server hardware and software with significant added features.

We are taking advantage of the latest Microsoft Virtualization technology in this upgrade, providing increased reliability-redundancy-improved performance.


FFNET-321 - ENHANCEMENT - Add DOCUMENTS tab - Completed and placed into production 8/9/2011

Allows users to upload three attachments to a case record. This LITE version is included with the base program.

FFNET-320 - BUG FIX - vehicle occupant tab allows the user to attempt a save when no vehicle has been selected - Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011

The vehicle occupant tab allows the user to attempt a save when no vehicle has been selected, causing an error. Changed program to not allow this situation.

FFNET-317 - BUG FIX - Time of death not correctly printing on Comprehensive form if 12:xx AM - Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011

FFNET-316 - BUG FIX - Correct check box behavior on Dates/Times tab - Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011

FFNET-315 - BUG FIX - Display an error message if display name already exists- Fixed and placed into production 8/9/2011

On any agency (autopsy facilities, ems, etc), editting a contact and changing the display name to something that already exists causes the save to fail but doesn't display a message to user. Added an error message to display.

FFNET-289 - BUG FIX - Date or time not displaying on screen correctly if between, unknown or approximate are selected - Fixed and placed into production 8/09/2011

FFNET-314 - BUG FIX - Date vailidation on all tabs - Fixed and placed into production 6/21/2011

The date on all tabs is verified to be valid, however if a date was less than 1/1/1753 that is the minimum permitted by sql server, the data for that tab was not saved. The program was modified to produce an invalid date error to prevent this possibility. All tabs, all date fields were changed.

FFNET-310 - ENHANCEMENT- Add check box on log in screen to acknowledge non-compliant browsers- Changed and placed into production 6/21/2011

Added checkbox to login screen that only shows up if user is using a non-compliant browser and forces user to check it to continue. This acknowledgement will be required and logged each time a user attempts to log in with a non-compliant browser. Non-compliant browsers can cause data loss.


FFNET-305 - BUG FIX - Timeout countdown sometimes not visable - Fixed and placed into production 5/31/2011

FFNET-302 - CHANGE- Change spell check function for long narratives - Changed and placed into production 5/31/2011

FFNET-190 - ENHANCEMENT - SUBPOENA print form - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011

FFNET-191 - ENHANCEMENT - MEDIA RELEASE form - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011

FFNET-96 - ENHANCEMENT - PERSONAL EFFECTS form - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011

FFNET-272 - ENHANCEMENT - Agency contact lookup capability - Added and placed into production 4/26/2011

FFNET-269 BUG FIX - Place of death POD on cremation tab should be disabled if Scene POD Type is not any of the "hospital" types - Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011

If the POD type is a Facility -Inpatient, ER_Outpatient,DOA,Nursing home- then display and allow edits to the healthcare facility dropdownlist -which is currently showing- and display it's address.
If the POD type is a residence or Other, hide anddisable the healthcare dropdown and button and address entry, and display and allow edits to the municipality-where-death-occurred dropdown and POD-other-than-healthcare-facility textbox.

FFNET-271 - BUG FIX - PA death certificate issues- Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011

Automatically check 33a, fix 32g to allow for embedded CRLF, fix 32d for unknown time

FFNET-282 - BUG FIX - Main menu misalighned if long decedent name in list - Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011

FFNET-284 - BUG FIX - PA Death certificate needs additional item selection for tobacco use - Fixed and placed into production 4/26/2011

FFNET-240 - BUG FIX - Autopsy facility does not print on form - Fixed and placed into production 4/15/2011

FFNET-283 - CLIENT TICKET - Missing cases on list - Resolved 4/25/2011


By design, if "Recent Cases" is selected on the MAIN menu, our definition of a Recent Case is the Top 20 most recently edited cases. We have increased the default to the Top 45 most recently edited cases.

However, you can always click the "All Cases" option to see all of your cases in the list.

Our goal was to have the listing be as uncluttered as possible, which also improves performance.

On a daily basis, you probably don't need to see a case from 2 years ago. You need to see the most recent active cases. But, if you need to see the older cases from years ago, you can either select "All Cases" and scroll through the list until you find it, or you can search for it using the "Search for Decedent" box.



  1. Changed contacts list within the agency display to sort in alphabetical order - Changed and placed into production 02/01/2011

FFNET-189 - ENHANCEMENT - Highway deaths (MVA)print form -Added and placed into production 03/14/2011

FFNET-264 - ENHANCEMENT - Rapidly changing tabs results in error and changes not not saved -Changed and placed into production 03/04/2011

FFNET-263 - BUGFIX - Selecting CASE MANAGEMENT does not save changes -Fixed and placed into production 03/04/2011

FFNET-262 - BUGFIX - Date signed not printing on death certificate -Fixed and placed into production 03/04/2011

FFNET-260 - BUGFIX - Empty date situation for chain of custody -Fixed and placed into production 02/25/2011

FFNET-259 - BUGFIX - In certain situations a NO selection was not allowed on the INJURY tab regarding death due to injury, weapons, or MVA -Fixed and placed into production 02/28/2011

FFNET-256 - ENHANCEMENT -Added forms margin settings - Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-255 - BUGFIX - AUTOSAVE Minor issue in certain situations -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-254 - ENHANCEMENT - Increase size of autopsy result field to 95 characters -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-253 - BUGFIX - Return and select not functioning correctly on verified by fields -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-251 - ENHANCEMENT - Add statement to login page regarding unsupported browser use -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-250 - ENHANCEMENT - Redaction of fields used on PA review of form -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-242 - ENHANCEMENT - Revision date at bottom of screen link to revision history on support WIKI -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-239 - BUGFIX - Return and select not showing on some agency type fields if added from tab -Changed and placed into production 02/23/2011

FFNET-235 - ENHANCEMENT - Add HELP ? on login page -Changed and placed into production 02/11/2011

FFNET-234 - ENHANCEMENT - Add comment on login page regarding a valid email address must be used for the user name field -Changed and placed into production 02/11/2011

FFNET-233 - BUGFIX - Adding cremation case created an error in some situations - Changed and placed into production 02/01/2011

November and December 2010

FFNET-228 - Certifier drop down changes on CAUSE/MANNER and DISPOSITION tabs

  1. Disposition tab - The existing "Released By" drop down was changed to "Cremation Certifier".

  1. Cremation tab - Created a group called "Certifiers" that encompasses the existing "Certifier" and "Authorized By" drop downs. Change the label for "Certifier" to "Cause of Death", the drop down is already correct and does not need changed. Change the label for "Authorized By" to "Cremation".

FFNET-226 - Completed PA death certificate

FFNET-225 - Create Person-Agency Type "Pronounced By"

Create a new Agency Type for people called "Pronounced By". Added the editing abilities to the Utilities screen. Updated the drop down list on the Cause/Manner tab to pull people who are "Pronounced By" type. Updated the "Add Button" next to the Pronounced By drop down to add people of type "Pronounced By" instead of type "Certifier".

FFNET-221 - Comprehensive form changes/enhancements

  1. Missing INCIDENT NO. which appears under CASE NUMBER in the first section of the form. The INCIDENT No. comes from the DATE/TIMES tab.
  2. Next of kin section - LAST CONTACT DATE is OK, but do not need TIME
  3. Next of kin section - LAST CONTACT TIME is OK, but do not need DATE
  4. PRONOUNCED BY on cause/manner under "TIME PRONOUNCED"
  5. SPEED LIMIT (From new MVA CONDITIONS field)
  6. MVA-OTHER OCCUPANTS - All missing data added
  7. DISPOSITION section - Add cremation RELEAS TIME next to RELEASE DATE


FFNET-212 - Allow users to create their own password - Changed and placed into production 10/05/2010

User defined passwords must meet strong password criteria.

FFNET-216 - Sign completely out of application after specified amount of idle time - Changed and placed into production 10/05/2010

FFNET-218 - Changed password change notification to specified email address - Changed and placed into production 10/05/2010

September 2010

! HOT FIXES ! 08-27-2010

  1. Negative age if time of birth and time of death are the same - Changed and placed into production 09/01/2010
  2. Medications tab - Add button next to pharmacy - Changed and placed into production 09/01/2010
  3. Vehicles tab - veh make/type after add list gets cleared - Changed and placed into production 09/01/2010
  4. Add created date/by - Changed and placed into production 09/01/2010
  5. Add village to municipal type - Changed and placed into production 09/01/2010
  6. Add EST to updated time/created time - Changed and placed into production 09/01/2010

FFNET-212 - Add capability for user to change their password - Changed and placed into production 09/15/2010

JULY 2010

FFNET-26 - A toggle button has been placed on the bottom right portion of all screens,to go between EDIT and VIEW ONLY


FFNET-82 - Print forms case number selection option

FFNET-94 - Add Case Summary to the print forms list

FFNET-168 - Added spell check to fields on multiple tabs

FFNET-166 - Create columns on UTILITIES tab.

Table descriptions are also now in alphabetical order.

FFNET-163 - Added Pathologists table entry/update to the utilities menu

JUNE 2010

FFNET-128 - Added two help icons (?) on each page

Upper right icon goes to main support wiki page. Lower icon goes to specific page of support wiki.

06/25/2010 Added PHARMACY table to UTLILITIES menu

06/25/2010 Completed AUTOPSY AUTHORIZATION print form and placed into production.

FFNET-141 Added Autopsy Authorization to print forms selection list

06/18/2010 The text boxes on all screens for the TIME field were changed to display hh:mm:ss.

You can still key hh:mm and the application will assume 00 for the seconds.

06/18/2010 Added HELP button on all pages which opens this SUPPORT WIKI.

06/18/2010 Witness Tab - Agency drop down needs populated with table list

06/18/2010 Medications Tab - Regimen drop down lst added to form.

06/18/2010 Cremation Authorization Form - Added form to list in production vesrsion.

06/10/2010 Demographics Tab - Soc Sec # allow for all zeros to be entered as a valid SSN

FFNET-133 Added medications drop down to MEDICATIONS tab

06/07/2010''' Added AGENCIES tab

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