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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.3 seconds and yielded 11 results.

Forensic Filer for Windows Revision History — 8.4%

[...] causing problems in Forensic Filer. (08/29/2017) - Updated an internal variable that holds the ID for the Type of Case that was defined as an Integer and was too small to hold the ID's for custom Case Types for Sync customers where the assigned ID is random. (05/09/2017) - Modified the Web Remote Support options for the new SimpleHelp server that has been implemented. 5.4.880 - Released 03/17/2017 (Public Release) (02/15/2017) - Added the following additional fields to the Reports Excel Export - Law Enforcement [...]

Demographics Tab — 3.9%

Articles FAQ Forms Issues Resolved Tab Updates Utilities Add/Update Case Adding/Updating A Case From the Main Menu, click on ADD DECEDENT to enter a new case. Use the EDIT/VIEW CASE button to change or add information to an existing case. You will begin entering information on the Demographics screen similar to the one pictured below. This is where you record general information about the deceased, such as, name, address, age, occupation, [...]

User Level Security — 1.3%

[...] anything in the system Sensitivity Level "Sensitivity Level" (High, Medium or Low) can be set up on the Case Demographics screen and the User Level security setup so that cases can be restricted from view on a case by case basis for specific users. Example: If a user has a MEDIUM sesitivity setting for their login profile, they will only see medium and low sensitivity cases on their selection screen, cases with a HIGH sensitivity setting will not appear. This function can be used for high profile cases, like a celebrity [...]

Case Management — 1.1%

Articles FAQ Forms Issues Resolved Tab Updates Utilities Case Management Select the ADD DECEDENT button to enter details about a new case. Select the EDIT/VIEW DECEDENT button to add or change details about an existing [...]

FAQ — 0.7%

[...] table DECDemo That can sometimes happen if you have a power fluctuation in the middle of entering a case. Here are a couple of things to do. 0. Have everyone exit FF 1. Backup the database from the UTILITIES menu 2. Got to START, ALL PROGAMS, FORENSIC FILER then seect the OPTIMIZE FORENSIC FILER DATA 3. Log back into FF and select the same case 4. Move through each [...]

Summary Case Form — 0.6%

Print Forms The summary case form is typically a one or two page document. [...]

Forensic Filer for Windows Support - Home — 0.4%

[...] HX Medications MVA Narrative Next Of Kin Scene Valuables Weapons Witnesses Menus Case Management Print Forms Reports Utilities Additions and updates are made often to the Forensic Filer Access support wiki, so come back soon. You can see known issues and recent updates HERE Here is a list of recent updates to the WIKI Page Changes Have a suggestion regarding how we can improve the Forensic Filer support WIKI, please send an email to: Support@ForensicFiler.com Forms Alphabetical Forms List Reports Alphabetical Reports [...]

Print Forms Main Menu — 0.4%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print from the menu and then specify a specific case either by case [...]

Reports — 0.2%

[...] report you want to print from the menu. Reports Use the drill down screen to select specific case details you want to report.

Office Profile — 0.2%

User Information Enter or change information appropriate for your office type.

Contact Us — 0.2%

SUPPORT We have designed Forensic Filer™ Client/Server based case management application to be very easy to [...]

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