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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Resolved — 56.1%

[...] responsive case page or legacy case page can be selected on the MyAccount page. JUNE 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality. Enhance styling to increase the mobile responsiveness to the User Administration, Print Forms, Reports, Utilities and Case Management pages. MAY 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality. Advanced Case Filter on the Case Management screen allows users to filter by Case Type [...]

Wiki Details — 3.5%

Recent Page Changes {RecentChanges} Wanted Pages How-To-Enter-New-License-Keys Autopsy-Family-Notified Autopsy-Location Autopsy-Performed Autopsy-Performed-By Autopsy-Results-Available Autopsy-Type Date Date-Notified Family-Notified-By Time-Notified EVIDENCE Scars Certificate_Issued-By Certificate-Disposition Date-Certificate-Signed Expenses-Incurred [...]

Autopsy Tab — 2.5%

[...] and select a date. LOCATION Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes items from the facility table. PERFORMED BY Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes items from the pathologist table. This is the name of the pathologist performing post-mortem exam or autopsy. AUTOPSY RESULTS Field Details : Free form text. A short description of the autopsy results. AUTOPSY RESUTLS AVAILABLE Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down [...]

Cause/Manner Tab — 1.9%

[...] Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions Part I IMMEDIATE CAUSE Field Details : Enter the primary cause of death by entering the first few characters of the description, a drop down list will allow selection of the actual cause. If a cause is not located in the table you may add a custom decsription which will be added to the case table. You may enter up to three additional causes of death. TIP: Key in the first two characters of the cause description and a list will be displayed for selection. INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH Field Details : Enter [...]

EDRS - PA - Sync and Certify a Case - Step by Step — 1.6%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Step by Step - Sync and Certify a Case in EDRS Your personal PA EDRS Username is used to transmit Death Record data from Forensic Filer to the PA EDRS system via the EDRS Bridge Note: When you Sync a Case to EDRS, your EDRS Username, along with your EDRS Password are encrypted and used to establish the connection to the PA EDRS system. The Death Record details are transmitted from Forensic Filer to the PA EDRS system using your EDRS credentials. To ease the use of the EDRS Sync feature, [...]

FAQ — 1.6%

[...] http://www.sap.com/solutions/sap-crystal-solutions/query-reporting-analysis/sapcrystalviewer/index.epx Please note that this viewer is provided and supported by SAP Global FAQ-1.3 How can I create a login ICON for FF.NET on my PC desktop You can create a login icon on your desktop by doing the following. 1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Key in www.forensicfiler.net for the URL address, then ENTER 3. Click on FILE and then SEND and select SHORTCUT TO DESKTOP (The wording may differ slightly between version 7 and version 8, but it should be similar) 4. An ICON with an F in a magnifying [...]

Next of Kin Main Tab — 1.4%

[...] and extension number in the EXT field. RELATIONSHIP Field Details : A free form text for the relationship of the person that is the next of kin of the individual. VERIFIED BY Field Details : Select from a dropdown list of available items located in the office table. VERIFIED WITH Field Details : A free form text field. An example could be a family member name, state BMV, etc. DATE VERIFIED Field Details : Enter or select a date from the calendar selection button. TIME VERIFIED Field Details : Enter in miltary [...]

Getting Started for User — 1.1%

[...] finding an existing case record If the case you are looking for appears in the list on your screen, you can select to open it by clicking anywhere on the line for that record. You can enter a complete or partial last name or case number in the box next to the SEARCH button, then select the search button to find the case. If the case appears in the list you can select to open it by clicking anywhere on the line for that record. View Only This function can speed up moving between tabs if you only need to view the case and not enter [...]

TIPS — 0.8%

[...] state and could cause errors in the data saved for that case. You can open your Internet Explorer browser in full screen mode by holding down the CTRL button and then selecting the F11 command button. To return to normal screen mode, press the same combination of keys agin. The LOCK CASE check box appears near the bottom of all tabs and is used to lock a case from further changes or updates. The Administrator can unlock the case if needed. After selecting a REPORT to PREVIEW, use the back arrow to return to the REPORTS menu. Selecting the VIEW/PRINT ONLY checkbox [...]

Contact Us — 0.8%

[...] Coroners and Medical Examiners. You may find answers to your questions on the FAQ page. Technical Assistance Contact By Email Email us at Support@ForensicFiler.com Technical Assistance Contact By Phone (330) 564-1930 (EST USA) Required Information To Assist Our Staff State and County Contact person name Contact person email address Contact person phone number including area code Detailed description [...]

Demographics Tab — 0.8%

[...] and time of death. If the time of birth or time of death are not known the age is calculated using a 24 hour clock. AGE AT DEATH LOCK You can lock the age from further changes by clicking on the checkbox so that it will not be automatically calculated even the BIRTH DATE field on the DEMOGRAPHICS is changed or the date or time on the DATES and TIMES tab are changed. SENSITIVITY Field Details : The sensitivity field has three selections, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH which can be selected for each case. This is another level of security specific to each case in addition [...]

Passwords — 0.8%

Passwords A strong password is generated by the system for the initial setup and is emailed to the user for their first session. After logging in the first time using the email address and strong password provided, the user can change their password by selecting their login name near the top right portion of the screen. Security Questions After the logging in for the first time a user can update their [...]

Dates/Times Tab — 0.8%

[...] using this date. INCIDENT OCCURED TIME - Enter the time of the incident as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss military time, if known. The age at death will be calculated using this time. NOTIFIED DATE - You can enter the date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar button and select a date. NOTIFIED TIME - Enter the time of the incident as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss military time, if known. ARRIVED DATE - You can enter the date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar button and select a date. The age at death will be calculated using this date. [...]

Media Release — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Blank Tab Forms — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Authorization For Release of Body — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Case Summary — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Highway Deaths Form — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Personal Effects — 0.5%

Forms Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Narrative Tab — 0.5%

[...] from multiple investigators or other persons. AUTO-GENERATE You can use the Auto-Generate Narrative function (if enabled by your Administrator) to generate a simple initial case narrative based on data already entered onto the following tabs: Demographics, Dates/Times, Cause/Manner, Scene, Autopsy, Medical Hx, Injury, MVA, Agencies, Disposition. SPELLCHECK You can use the spell check function to [...]

Technical Specifications — 0.5%

[...] Bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption Multi-million dollar data center with strict key-card access Protected on the Internet by a Cisco ® ASA Firewall Nightly server backup Each user is required to have their own userID and password, [...]

Body Diagrams — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Weapons Tab — 0.5%

[...] False (0) TRACK CUSTODY Field Details : Check box. Boolean, True (-1) or False (0) TRACK CUSTODY LIST Field Details : Insert or edit Custody of, Custody By, and Custody date. Allows multiple custody recordsn for each item. RELEASE TO Field [...]

EDRS - Main User Guide — 0.5%

[...] Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities EDRS Usage Instructions by State Pennsylvania EDRS - PA - User Setup EDRS - PA - Sync and Certify a Case - Step by [...]

Receipt For Documents — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Data-Verified-By — 0.5%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next [...]

Verified By — 0.5%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Witnesses Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or [...]

Next of Kin Parents Tab — 0.5%

[...] free form text for the birth place of the father of the individual. BIRTH STATE Field Details : A drop down for the birth state of the father of the individual. VERIFIED BY Field Details : Select from a dropdown list of available items located in the office table. VERIFIED [...]

Cremation Authorization — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

Autopsy Authorization — 0.5%

SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by [...]

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