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GENERAL FAQ-1.0 What browsers are supported with FF.NET FAQ-1.1 How do I log in to the application FAQ-1.2 How can I export to SAP Crystal Reports FAQ-1.3 How can I create a login ICON for FF.NET on my PC desktop FAQ-1.4 How can I test my Internet speed FAQ-1.5 How can I print to a printer at my office location FAQ-1.6 Is there any scheduled downtime for access to the application FAQ-1.7 How can I add a logo to the printed forms FAQ-1.8 Can I use FFNET with a netbook or tablet FAQ-1.9 How do I open PDF files from the DOCUMENT tabSECURITY FAQ-2.0 Are there security risks for remote users FAQ-2.1 Warning: User has recent activity under a different session message FAQ-2.2 Why am I getting asked a verification question FAQ-2.3 I forgot my password, what do I do FAQ-2.4 I am an administrator and my account has been locked, can I reset my account FAQ-2.5 I am a User (non-Administrator) and my account has been locked, how do I get it reset? FAQ-2.6 Can a user change their password FAQ-2.7 How can an Administrator reset a User password?UTILITIES FAQ-3.0 How do I enter people (or agencies) that may be used in multiple drop down listsCASE DATA ENTRY FAQ-4.0 Can I use the back arrow on the browser to navigate between tabs during data entry FAQ-4.1 Which fields on entry forms display a selection list after entering the first two charecters entered FAQ-4.2 Some cases appear to be missing from my selection screen FAQ-4.3 Are cases required to have a case number FAQ-4.4 The speed between tab changes seems to be slow, what can I do FAQ-4.5 How do I change the sort order for the columns on the main CASE MANAGEMENT screenMediaVault FAQ-8.0 I'm not able to view the document. I very briefly see a window open but then it's gone