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Add/Update Case
Adding/Updating A Case
From the Main Menu, click on ADD DECEDENT to enter a new case.
Use the EDIT/VIEW CASE button to change or add information to an existing case.
You will begin entering information on the Demographics screen similar to the one pictured below. This is where you record general information about the deceased, such as, name, address, age, occupation, sex, etc.
Field Descriptions
- CASE # - Case numbers are user defined and can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters. Keep in mind when defining your case number standards how they will be sorted. For example: 2010-01-01 will appear after 02-01-2010.
The case numbers are characters (not numbers) so that you can enter dashes, etc wherever you need them.
We all know 1000 is after 999 but the computer treats it differently based on the number of characters used.
One option is to enter the leading zeros for the sequence number.
Field Specs- CASE TYPE Field Details: Case type is a radio button selection. The selects are CORONERS CASE or REFERRAL CASE.
- LAST NAME Field Details: The last name. The total combination of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters.
- MIDDLE NAME Field Details: The middle name or middle initial See LAST NAME
- SUFFIX Field Details: Select from the dropdown list of available items.
- SEX Field Details: Select from the dropdown list of available items.
- RACE Field Details: Select from the dropdown list of available items.
- NATIONALITY Field Details: The nationality field is only available for entry if specific RACE selections are chosen.
- SOC SEC # Social Sec #|Field Details]: Enter the social security number.
- BIRTH DATE Field Details: You can enter the birthdate or select the calendar button and select a date. The age at death will be calculated using this date.
- BIRTH TIME Field Details: Enter the time of birth if known. The age at death will be calculated using this time.
- AGE AT DEATH Field Details: The age calculation is based on the date and time of birth and the date and time of death. If the time of birth or time of death are not known the age is calculated using a 24 hour clock.
- SENSITIVITY Field Details: The sensitivity field has three selections, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH which can be selected for each case. This is another level of security specific to each case in addition to what a options a user has based on their profile, for example if a user has a profile that allows data entry but only access to LOW and MEDIUM sensitivity, they would not see, change or be able to print a case that has a HIGH sensitivity. This may be useful in the case of a celebrity or political figure that you would not want everyone to have access to the case.
- STATE Field Details: Select from a drop down list of US states and Canadian Provinces.
- ZIP CODE Field Details: Select from a drop down list of US zip codes or Candian codes.
- MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION Field Details: Select from a drop down list.
- PHONE Field Details: Enter the phone number including area code in the PHONE field.
- SERVED IN ARMED FORCES Field Details: A radio button selection with YES, NO or UNKNOWN options.
- HIGHEST ELEM/HS GRADE (0-12) Field Details: A free form text to enetr 0 through 12.
- College (1-4 or 5+) Field Details: A free for text entry, 1-4 for all years completed up throgh Bachelors degree. Use 5 for for Masters or Doctorate degrees.
- DATA VERIFIED BY Field Details: Select from a dropdown list of available items located in the office table.
- VERIFIED WITH Field Details: A free form text field. An example could be a family member name, state BMV, etc.
- TIME VERIFIED Field Details: Enter in miltary time which is converted to AM and PM