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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Resolved — 34.4%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities JANUARY 2024 NEW - ENHANCEMENT- Autosave option for Narrative tab. Added script to Narrative tab that autosaves the narrative text after a short interval to minimize loss of data from automatic log out from 30 minutes of inactivity. Option for autosave can be activated or deactivated on the MyAccount page. NEW - ENHANCEMENT- New responsive case page. New responsive case page has been created to allow for enhanced mobile [...]

FAQ — 3.8%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities GENERAL FAQ-1.0 What browsers are supported with FF.NET Please go to the Technical Specifications page and look under SUPPORTED INTERFACE section. FAQ-1.1 How do I log in to the application Enter a valid user name (email address) and password. A system generated password will be provided for your initial log in. When you log in for the firat time you will be asked a series of questions that will be used for verification if you or anyone tries to log in using your user name from a different [...]

Overdose Tab — 2.1%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions WAS DEATH RELATED TO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION OR ILLICIT DRUG : Choose whether or not death was related to prescription [...]

MVA Location Tab — 1.5%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault [...]

Demographics Tab — 1.3%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions CASE # Field Details : Case numbers are user defined and can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters. [...]

MVA Other Occupants Tab — 1.2%

[...] Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next [...]

Cause/Manner Tab — 1.1%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions Part I IMMEDIATE CAUSE Field Details : Enter the primary cause of death by entering the first few characters of [...]

Last Name — 1.1%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 30 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 30 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL last name [...]

Middle Name — 1.1%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 15 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 15 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL middle name [...]

First Name — 1.1%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL firstname [...]

Scene Tab — 0.9%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions PLACE OF INCIDENT Field Details : A free format text field describing the scene. PLACE OF DEATH Field Details [...]

Exam Tab — 0.9%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions HEIGHT Field Details : A free format text field for height. Example: 5 feet 4 inches. WEIGHT Field Details [...]

Next of Kin Main Tab — 0.8%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. MIDDLE NAME Field [...]

Narrative Tab — 0.8%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions NARRATIVE Field Details : The narrative comment area can be very large and include entries from multiple [...]

Next of Kin Parents Tab — 0.8%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Father Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. MIDDLE [...]

Documents Lite Tab — 0.7%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant [...]

Witnesses Tab — 0.7%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses TIPS Select NEW or select a witness from the area near the bottom of the screen and select EDIT. Field descriptions WITNESS TYPE Field [...]

TIPS — 0.7%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities User Login Tips How do I login to FF.NET? Please go to HERE for additional information. How do I login from a computer outside of my office? As long as you have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 (IE8) or higher on your pc at home (for example), you would log into www.forensicfiler.net and enter your email address for the same user name and password as if you were at the office. It will ask you to enter the answer to one of the security questions because you are using a different [...]

Next of Kin Informant Tab — 0.7%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Informant Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. MIDDLE NAME [...]

MVA Vehicles Tab — 0.7%

[...] Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next [...]

Wiki Details — 0.7%

[...] Family-Notified-By Time-Notified EVIDENCE Scars Certificate_Issued-By Certificate-Disposition Date-Certificate-Signed Expenses-Incurred Investigating-CME MVA-Other-Occupants-Tab Injury-Address Injury-At-Work Injury-Circumstances Injury-County Motor-Vehicle-Accident place-Of-Injury Related-To-Injury Weapon-Involved Diseases-Conditions Actual-Count Comment Dosage Drug-Catagory Drug-Medication Expected-Count [...]

Other Sample Description — 0.5%

Exam Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 100 FIELD NOTE Free form text. If Other [...]

Toxicology Tab — 0.5%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Tabs: Agencies • Autopsy • Cause/Manner • Cremation • Dates/Times • Demographics • Disposition • Documents • Exam • Final • Injury • MediaVault • Medical HX • Medications • MVA [...]

Verified-Time — 0.5%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE [...]

Next of Kin Tab — 0.5%

FF.Net Next of Kin The Next of Kin tab contains two addional sub-tabs for FATHER/MOTHER and INFORMAT information. LAST NAME Field Details : Enter the last name for both the father and/or spouse. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name for both the father and/or spouse. MIDDLE NAME Field Details : The middle name or middle initial for both the father and spouse. ADDRESS 1 Field Details : A free form text field. ADDRESS 2 Field Details : A free form text field. CITY Field Details : A free form text field. STATE Field Details [...]

Other Specify — 0.5%

Exam Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 100 FIELD NOTE Free form text. If Other [...]

Case Data Export — 0.5%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities Administrators may download the entire Forensic Filer database for their County as an Excel file. To download all case data: 1. From the Forensic Filer main menu, click on the [Utilities] tab 2. On the [Utilities] tab, click the [Administration] button at the bottom right of the screen [...]

Date-Verified — 0.5%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in mm/dd/yyy format or select from calendar button Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE DATE/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in mm/dd/yyy format or select from calendar button Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE [...]

Data-Verified-By — 0.5%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next of Kin Parents Tab [...]

Getting Started for User — 0.5%

Administration FAQ Field Forms Menus Messages Reports Tab Utilities SUPPORT We have designed Forensic Filer™ web based case management application to be very easy to use and intuitive for Coroners and Medical Examiners. You may find answers to your questions on the FAQ page. Check out the TIPS page for more help getting started Go to the Utilities menu to add, update or print table information used for the drop down selections within tabs. Adding A New Case Click on the ADD DECEDENT or ADD CREMATION button at the bottom of the screen. Depending [...]

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