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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Resolved — 54.9%

[...] responsive case page or legacy case page can be selected on the MyAccount page. JUNE 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality. Enhance styling to increase the mobile responsiveness to the User Administration, Print Forms, Reports, Utilities and Case Management pages. MAY 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality. Advanced Case Filter on the Case Management screen allows users to filter by Case Type and Investigator. The [...]

Dates/Times Tab — 7.3%

[...] OCCURED DATE - You can enter the date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar button and select a date. The age at death will be calculated using this date. INCIDENT OCCURED TIME - Enter the time of the incident as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss military time, if known. The age at death will be calculated using this time. NOTIFIED DATE - You can enter the date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select [...]

Demographics Tab — 2.8%

[...] number. BIRTH DATE Field Details : You can enter the birthdate or select the calendar button and select a date. The age at death will be calculated using this date. BIRTH TIME Field Details : Enter the time of birth if known. The age at death will be calculated using this time. AGE AT DEATH Field Details : You can manually enter the age or the application will automatically calculate the age. The age calculation [...]

Verify Time — 2.3%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter format hh:mm or hhmm:ss in military time Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE [...]

Wiki Details — 2.0%

Recent Page Changes {RecentChanges} Wanted Pages How-To-Enter-New-License-Keys Autopsy-Family-Notified Autopsy-Location Autopsy-Performed Autopsy-Performed-By Autopsy-Results-Available Autopsy-Type Date Date-Notified Family-Notified-By Time-Notified EVIDENCE Scars Certificate_Issued-By Certificate-Disposition Date-Certificate-Signed Expenses-Incurred Investigating-CME MVA-Other-Occupants-Tab Injury-Address Injury-At-Work Injury-Circumstances [...]

Next of Kin Main Tab — 2.0%

[...] free form text field. An example could be a family member name, state BMV, etc. DATE VERIFIED Field Details : Enter or select a date from the calendar selection button. TIME VERIFIED Field Details : Enter in miltary time MARITAL STATUS Field Details : marital status is a selectable item from a dropdown list. The dropdown list includes MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED, WIDOWED, DIVORCED, SINGLE, SEPARATED. Spouse Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. [...]

FAQ — 2.0%

[...] address) and password. A system generated password will be provided for your initial log in. When you log in for the firat time you will be asked a series of questions that will be used for verification if you or anyone tries to log in using your user name from a different PC or laptop. FAQ-1.2 How can I export to SAP Crystal Reports There is a Crystal reports Viewer that you may install to be able to export and open SAP Crystal Reports. Currently you can download the viewer from http://www.sap.com/solutions/sap-crystal-solutions/query-reporting-analysis/sapcrystalviewer/index.epx [...]

Autopsy Tab — 1.7%

[...] of the autopsy results. AUTOPSY RESUTLS AVAILABLE Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes YES and NO FAMILIY NOTIFIED AFTER AUTOPSY Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes YES and NO FAMILY NOTIFIED BY Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes [...]

Verified-Time — 1.7%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE [...]

EDRS - PA - Sync and Certify a Case - Step by Step — 1.1%

[...] feature, Forensic Filer stores your Username in your profile so that you don't have to enter it each time you sync. The first time you initiate a Sync during a particular Forensic Filer session, you will be prompted for your EDRS Password. Forensic Filer encrypts and uses that password to make the connection to EDRS, however, Forensic Filer NEVER stores that password in the database or on the server. Your EDRS Password is cached in your login session state only for the duration of your current Forensic Filer login session so that you are [...]

Birth Time — 1.1%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Time [...]

EDRS - PA - User Setup — 1.1%

[...] feature, Forensic Filer stores your Username in your profile so that you don't have to enter it each time you sync. The first time you initiate a Sync during a particular Forensic Filer session, you will be prompted for your EDRS Password. Forensic Filer encrypts and uses that password to make the connection to EDRS, however, Forensic Filer NEVER stores that password in the database or on the server. Your EDRS Password is cached in your login session state only for the duration of your current Forensic Filer login session so that you are [...]

Time Admitted — 1.1%

Scene Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE You may enter a time [...]

Date-Verified — 1.1%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in mm/dd/yyy format or select from calendar button Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE DATE/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in mm/dd/yyy format or select from calendar button Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter [...]

Exam Tab — 0.8%

[...] Field Details : Free form text. KIT DATE - You can enter the second between date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar [...]

Overdose Tab — 0.8%

[...] Prescription Morphine Use this text field will become available to enter other evidence. VICTIM BEING TREATED FOR PAIN AT TIME OF OD? : Choose whether or not the victim was being treated for pain at the time of overdose. INDICATE TYPE OF PAIN : Choose what type of pain the victim was experienced. Only available [...]

Verify Date — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select from calendar button Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format mm/yy/yyyy or select from calendar button [...]

Scene Tab — 0.8%

[...] table. DATE ADMITTED - You can enter the date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar button and select a date. TIME ADMITTED [...]

TIPS — 0.6%

[...] different PC. You can also select REMEMBER ME and TRUSTED PC check boxes so that it will not ask you the security questions each time you log in. Please go to HERE for additional information. Tabs and Screen Tips Do not use the back arrow from your browser to navigate to a different tab. There is no sure-fire way to know which page a user came from, and using any back history functionality would cause a page to be loaded in a indeterminable state and could cause errors in the data saved for that case. You can open your Internet Explorer browser in full screen [...]

Cause/Manner Tab — 0.6%

[...] INTERVENTIONS PERFORMED BY : Choose one or more for who performed an intervention. CPR INITIATED : Enter the date and time CPR was initiated if performed, unavailable unless CPR Intervention selected. CPR TERMINATED [...]

Passwords — 0.6%

[...] for the initial setup and is emailed to the user for their first session. After logging in the first time using the email address and strong password provided, the user can change their password by selecting their login name near the top right portion of the screen. Security Questions After the logging in for the first time [...]

Age At Death — 0.6%

[...] TYPE Long Integer FIELD SIZE 4 FIELD NOTE Age of the decedent is calculated based on the date and time of birth and the date and time [...]

Next of Kin Informant Tab — 0.6%

[...] free form text field. An example could be a family member name, state BMV, etc. DATE VERIFIED Field Details : Enter or select a date from the calendar [...]

Next of Kin Parents Tab — 0.6%

[...] free form text field. An example could be a family member name, state BMV, etc. DATE VERIFIED Field Details : Enter or select a date from the calendar [...]

Birth Date — 0.3%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE You may enter a [...]

Documents Lite Tab — 0.3%

[...] • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses [...]

Date Admitted — 0.3%

Scene Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE You may enter a [...]

Issues — 0.3%

Known Issues 01/27/2011 - There are no known issues at this time.

Technical Specifications — 0.3%

[...] Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (preferred for Windows XP) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (Supported but not preferred) At this time we do not recommend [...]

Login — 0.3%

[...] A system generated password will be provided for your initial log in. When you log in for the firat time you will be asked a series of questions that [...]

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