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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Resolved — 42.6%

[...] responsive case page or legacy case page can be selected on the MyAccount page. JUNE 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality. Enhance styling to increase the mobile responsiveness to the User Administration, Print Forms, Reports, Utilities and Case Management pages. MAY 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality. Advanced Case Filter on the Case Management screen allows users to filter by Case Type and Investigator. The [...]

Demographics Tab — 3.1%

[...] your case number standards how they will be sorted. For example: 20100101 will appear after 02012010. CASE TYPE Field Details : Case type is a selectable item from a dropdown list. The dropdown list includes CORONERS CASE, REFERRAL CASE, HOSPICE and PSYCHIATRIC. LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. The total combination of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. See LAST NAME MIDDLE NAME Field Details : The middle [...]

Autopsy Tab — 3.1%

[...] • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions AUTOPSY PERFORMED Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes YES and NO AUTOPSY TYPE Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes CORONER AUTOPSY, HOSPITAL AUTOPSY DATE Field Details : You can enter the date of the autopsy or select the calendar button and select a date. [...]

Injury Tab — 2.8%

[...] Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions DEATH RELATED TO INJURY Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes YES and NO INJURY COUNTY Field Details : A selectable item from a drop down list. The drop down list includes a list of records from the county table. [...]

Weapons Tab — 2.2%

[...] form text. OWNER NAME Field Details : Free form text. Could be persons name. CAUSED DEATH Field Details : Check box. Boolean, True (-1) or False (0) TRACK CUSTODY [...]

Witnesses Tab — 1.7%

[...] NEW or select a witness from the area near the bottom of the screen and select EDIT. Field descriptions WITNESS TYPE Field Details : Select from the drop down list. The drop down list includes MATERIAL and INVESTIGATOR WITNESS NAME Field Details : Free form text. Enter the full name of the witness. AGENCY Field Details : Select from the drop down list. SPECIALTY Field Details : Free form text. Could be used for witness title, etc. Example: Forensic Pathologist ADDRESS 1 Field Details [...]

Next of Kin Main Tab — 1.7%

[...] free form text field. ADDRESS 2 Field Details : A free form text field. CITY Field Details : A free form text field. STATE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US states and Canadian Provinces. ZIP CODE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US zip codes or Candian codes. PHONE Field Details : There are three available telephone entries. In the TYPE field the selection options are HOME, WORK, PAGER, OTHER from a drop down list. Enter the phone number including [...]

FAQ — 1.5%

[...] example, you could place the logo on the blank sheet on the upper left or right side of the form FAQ-1.8 Can I use FFNET with a netbook or tablet Yes, as long as they are using Windows XP or Windows 7 for the operating system and Internet Explorer 8 or 9 for the browser. FAQ-1.9 How do I open PDF files from the DOCUMENT tab There are a couple of settings in Internet Explorer and/or Adobe Reader to allow PDF files to be opened in a new tab. The IE security settings relevant to the PDF file opening in the Documents tab are: In Internet Options -> Security -> [...]

Cause/Manner Tab — 1.5%

[...] CAUSE Field Details : Enter the primary cause of death by entering the first few characters of the description, a drop down list will allow selection of the actual cause. If a cause is not located in the table you may add a custom decsription which will be added to the case table. You may enter up to three additional causes of death. TIP: Key in the first two characters of the cause description and a list will be displayed for selection. INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH Field Details : Enter the interval for each cause of death entry [...]

Next of Kin Parents Tab — 1.5%

[...] free form text field. ADDRESS 2 Field Details : A free form text field. CITY Field Details : A free form text field. STATE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US states and Canadian Provinces. ZIP CODE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US zip codes or Candian codes. PHONE Field Details : There are three available telephone entries. In the TYPE field the selection options are HOME, WORK, PAGER, OTHER from a drop down list. Enter the phone number including [...]

Overdose Tab — 1.5%

[...] checkboxes as the source of overdose poisoning. BAC : If Alcohol is checked the BAC text field will become available to list the BAC percentage and link to the BAC field on the Cause/Manner tab. BITE/STING (LIST SOURCE) : If Bite/Sting is selected the list source text field will become available to list the source of the bite or sting. CO LEVEL : If Carbon Monoxide is selected the CO Level text field will become available to list the carbon monoxide [...]

Exam Tab — 1.3%

[...] HAIR COLOR ield Details : A free format text field for hair color. Eample: Brown with highlights. BODY POSITION Field Details : Select from a drop down list which includes: FACE UP, FACE DOWN, RIGHT SIDE, LEFT SIDE, HANGING, SEATED, OTHER. BODY CODITION Field Details : Select from a drop down list. CLOTHING Field Details : Select from a drop down list. EVIDENCE OF SEXUAL ASSULT Field Details : A check box selection. RIGOR MORTIS Field Details : A check box selection. [...]

Toxicology Tab — 1.3%

[...] Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Jump to Add Toxicology Specimen * Add Chain of Custody * Add Test Performed * Add First Test Result * Add Additional Test Results To Add a Toxicology Specimen 1. Click the “New” button near the bottom of the screen. 2. Select where the specimen was taken. 3. Select when the specimen was taken. 4. Select the Status. 5. Select or type in the Pathologist that collected the specimen. 6. Select or type in the Technician that collected the specimen. 7. Select the [...]

FF.NET Home — 1.1%

[...] Known Issues TIPS Contact Us Upcoming program changes Roadmap Messages Alphabetical Messages List Menus Case Management Print Form Reports Utilities Forms - Used to create documents for individual cases Alphabetical Forms List Reports - Used to create reports for multiple cases using drill down selections Alphabetical Reports List EDRS Instructions EDRS - Main User Guide Fields - used to enter details about each case and store in a database Alphabetical Field List [...]

Wiki Details — 1.1%

[...] DNR Place-Of-Death Place-Other Color Identifying-Marks Item-Description Owner Quantity Release-B

Dates/Times Tab — 0.9%

[...] in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar button and select a date. The age at death will be calculated using this date. DATE OF DEATH (TYPE) - Select from the drop down list. The list included ACTUAL, BASED ON DATE FOUND, APPROXIMATELY. REPORTED BY - Enter the name of the person reporting the incident. (REPORTED) OF - Enter the name of the organization, if any, of the person reporting the incident. DISPATCHER - Enter the name of the dispatcher and or badge number. INCIDENT NO. - Enter the number assigned to the incedent. [...]

Getting Started for User — 0.9%

[...] Existing Case There are multiple methods to finding an existing case record If the case you are looking for appears in the list on your screen, you can select to open it by clicking anywhere on the line for that record. You can enter a complete or partial last name or case number in the box next to the SEARCH button, then select the search button to find the case. If the case appears in the list you can select to open it by clicking anywhere on the line for that record. View Only This function can speed up moving between tabs [...]

Next of Kin Informant Tab — 0.9%

[...] free form text field. ADDRESS 2 Field Details : A free form text field. CITY Field Details : A free form text field. STATE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US states and Canadian Provinces. ZIP CODE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US zip codes or Candian codes. PHONE Field Details : There are three available telephone entries. In the TYPE field the selection options are HOME, WORK, PAGER, OTHER from a drop down list. Enter the phone number including [...]

Medications Tab — 0.9%

[...] or select a witness from the area near the bottom of the screen and select EDIT. Field descriptions DRUG CATAGORY Field Details : Select from the drop down list. DRUG/MEDICATION Field Details : Free form text. DOSAGE Field Details : Free form text. REGIMEN Field Details : Select from the drop down list. PRESCRIBED BY Field Details : Select from the drop down list from the Physicians table. DATE PRESCIBED Field Details : Enetr a date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select from the [...]

State — 0.7%

[...] Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 2 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list. Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 2 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list. Witnesses Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 2 FIELD NOTE You [...]

Verified By — 0.7%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Witnesses Tab DATA TYPE Text [...]

Zip Code — 0.7%

[...] Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 10 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list or override with a custom text value. Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 10 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list or override with a custom text value. Witnesses Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 10 FIELD NOTE You [...]

Means Identification — 0.7%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Witnesses Tab DATA TYPE Text [...]

Valuables Tab — 0.7%

[...] text. OWNER Field Details : Free form text. Could be persons name. QUANTITY Field Details : Numeric value. VALUE Field Details : Numeric value. TRACK CUSTODY Field Details : Check box. Boolean, True (-1) or False (0) RELEASE [...]

Scene Tab — 0.7%

[...] Field Details : A free format text field describing the scene. PLACE OF DEATH Field Details : Select from a drop down list with these options: INPATIENT, ER OUT/PT, DOA, NURSING HOME, RESIDENCE, OTHER PLACE OF DEATH (IF HEALTH CARE FACILITY) Field Details : Select from a drop down list from the FACILTY table. DATE ADMITTED - You can enter the date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select the calendar button and select a date. TIME ADMITTED - Enter the time of the incident as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss military time, if known. PLACE [...]

Case Management — 0.7%

[...] Cases] to find the case you are searching for. Advanced Case Filter You can specify additional options to change the list of cases displayed [Exclude Locked Cases] will hide locked (closed) cases in the list [Case Creator] drop down - select [...]

Cremation Tab — 0.7%

[...] standards how they will be sorted. For example: 20100101 will appear after 02012010. CASE TYPE Field Details : Case type is a selectable item from a dropdown list. The dropdown list includes CORONERS CASE, REFERRAL CASE, HOSPICE and PSYCHIATRIC. LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. The total combination of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. See LAST NAME MIDDLE NAME Field Details : [...]

Print Options — 0.4%

[...] print margins and redact specific fields for some FORMS. Case Management Reports Utilities Print Forms The basic list of print forms selection below may differ by state, district, county or parish. [...]

Highway Deaths Form — 0.4%

[...] print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by state, district, county or parish. All of the print form selection screens have a similar structure and should be self explanatory. Alphabetical Forms List [...]

Comprehensive Form — 0.4%

[...] specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Case Management Reports Utilities Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by state, district, county or parish. All of the print form selection screens have a similar structure and should be self explanatory. [...]

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