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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Resolved — 49.4%

[...] responsive case page or legacy case page can be selected on the MyAccount page. JUNE 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality. Enhance styling to increase the mobile responsiveness to the User Administration, Print Forms, Reports, Utilities and Case Management pages. MAY 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality. Advanced Case Filter on the Case Management screen allows users to filter by Case Type [...]

Overdose Tab — 1.8%

[...] OTHER (SPECIFY) : If Other is selected the Specify text field will become available to list other source of poisoning. TYPE OF DRUG OD : Choose the type of drug overdose. DRUG ADMINISTRATION : Choose the type of drug administration. INJECTION EVIDENCE : Select the evidence that the type of drug administration was injection. Only available if Injection is selected as the type of drug administration. INDICATIONS OF DRUG USE : Choose what are [...]

Toxicology Tab — 1.5%

[...] 2. Select where the specimen was taken. 3. Select when the specimen was taken. 4. Select the Status. 5. Select or type in the Pathologist that collected the specimen. 6. Select or type in the Technician that collected the specimen. 7. Select the Specimen that was collected. 8. Choose the Date the specimen was collected. 9. Click the “Save” button near the bottom of the screen to save the Toxicology specimen. To Add a Chain of Custody 1. Select the Toxicology specimen and click the “Edit” button near the bottom [...]

Wiki Details — 1.3%

[...] Autopsy-Family-Notified Autopsy-Location Autopsy-Performed Autopsy-Performed-By Autopsy-Results-Available Autopsy-Type Date Date-Notified Family-Notified-By Time-Notified EVIDENCE Scars Certificate_Issued-By Certificate-Disposition Date-Certificate-Signed Expenses-Incurred Investigating-CME MVA-Other-Occupants-Tab Injury-Address Injury-At-Work Injury-Circumstances Injury-County Motor-Vehicle-Accident place-Of-Injury Related-To-Injury Weapon-Involved Diseases-Conditions Actual-Count Comment Dosage Drug-Catagory Drug-Medication Expected-Count [...]

Next of Kin Main Tab — 1.0%

[...] Provinces. ZIP CODE Field Details : Select from a drop down list of US zip codes or Candian codes. PHONE Field Details : There are three available telephone entries. In the TYPE field the selection options are HOME, WORK, PAGER, OTHER from a drop down list. Enter the phone number including area code in the PHONE field. Enter and extension number in the EXT field. RELATIONSHIP Field Details : A free form text for the relationship of the person that is the next of kin of the individual. VERIFIED BY Field Details : Select from a dropdown list of available [...]

First Name — 1.0%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL firstname fields for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and Informant tabs are the same size. MVA Vehicles Tab DATA TYPE [...]

Demographics Tab — 1.0%

[...] combination of text, numbers or special characters. Keep in mind when defining your case number standards how they will be sorted. For example: 20100101 will appear after 02012010. CASE TYPE Field Details : Case type is a selectable item from a dropdown list. The dropdown list includes CORONERS CASE, REFERRAL CASE, HOSPICE and PSYCHIATRIC. LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. The total combination of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters. FIRST NAME Field Details [...]

Middle Name — 1.0%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 15 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 15 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL middle name fields for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and Informant tabs are the same size. MVA Vehicles Tab DATA TYPE [...]

Data-Verified-By — 1.0%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down from CORONER table Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Text [...]

Last Name — 1.0%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 30 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 30 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL last name fields for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and Informant tabs are the same size. MVA Vehicles Tab DATA TYPE [...]

Verified-Time — 1.0%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time [...]

Date-Verified — 1.0%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in mm/dd/yyy format or select from calendar button Next of Kin Main Tab DATA TYPE DATE/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in mm/dd/yyy format or select from calendar button Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE [...]

State — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 2 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list. Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 2 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop [...]

City — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL city fields for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and Informant tabs are the [...]

Type Of Business — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form [...]

Verify Time — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter format hh:mm or hhmm:ss in military time Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter format hh:mm or hhmm:ss in [...]

Verify Date — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter date in format mm/dd/yyyy or select from calendar button Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Date/Time FIELD SIZE 8 FIELD NOTE Enter in format mm/yy/yyyy or select from calendar [...]

Verified By — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with [...]

Zip Code — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 10 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list or override with a custom text value. Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 10 FIELD NOTE You may choose a value from the drop down list or override with a custom [...]

Means Identification — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with custom value Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Drop down list or override with [...]

Verify With — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 25 FIELD NOTE Free [...]

Case Type — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Long Integer FIELD SIZE 4 FIELD NOTE Dropdown [...]

Phone Number — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE 10 digits , no spaces, dashes or separators. Example: 3305551212 Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE 10 digits , no spaces, dashes or separators. Example: [...]

Address1 — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL last address for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and Informant tabs are the [...]

Address2 — 0.8%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 50 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL last address for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and Informant tabs are the [...]

Scene Type — 0.8%

Scene Tab DATA TYPE Long Integer FIELD SIZE 4 FIELD NOTE Dropdown [...]

MediaVault — 0.8%

[...] customizable fields Media File List Media Display area Options Buttons Field Descriptions Upload Files Runtime: Indicates the type of service used for uploading files. ie: HTML4, Flash, HTML5, etc. Friendly Name This is a user defined name for uploaded files. Media Type User defined media types can be added using the UTILITIES [...]

Witnesses Tab — 0.5%

[...] Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses TIPS Select NEW or select a witness from the area near the bottom of the screen and select EDIT. Field descriptions WITNESS TYPE Field Details : Select from the drop down list. The drop down list includes MATERIAL and INVESTIGATOR WITNESS NAME Field Details : Free form text. Enter the full name of the witness. AGENCY Field Details : Select from the drop down list. SPECIALTY Field Details : Free form text. Could be used for witness title, etc. Example: Forensic Pathologist ADDRESS 1 Field Details : A [...]

Birth Place — 0.5%

Demographics Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 40 FIELD NOTE Free form text typically city,state Next of Kin Parents Tab DATA TYPE [...]

Agencies Tab — 0.5%

[...] screen. The following popup form will appear allowing you to add an Agency and Contact Person You must first select the Agency by selecting [...]

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