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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.4 seconds and yielded 25 results.

Forensic Filer for Windows Revision History — 8.9%

[...] high resolution monitors. Feature is turned off by default. Users can enable it in the Options menu of the Login screen. (02/04/2020) - Updated FF Launcher to use local workgroup file in all cases to prevent slow network connections from corrupting the network file. (12/31/2019) - Modified FF User Management functions to operate on the a designated Workgroup file, instead of the current session Workgroup file, in preparation for changing which Workgroup FF runs under in runtime mode. 5.4.900 - Released 06/11/2019 (Public Release) [...]

Demographics Tab — 2.6%

[...] occupation, sex, etc. Field Descriptions CASE # - Case numbers are user defined and can be any combination of text, numbers or special characters. Keep in mind when defining your case number standards how they will be sorted. For example: 2010-01-01 will appear after 02-01-2010. The case numbers are characters (not numbers) so that you can enter dashes, etc wherever you need them. We all know 1000 is after 999 but the computer treats it differently based on the number of characters used. One option is to enter the leading zeros for the [...]

FFLOGIN Error Codes — 1.8%

Forensic Filer Login Error Codes and meanings FFLogin - Basic Description of Operation The purpose of FFLogin is to do the following: . Determine where Forensic Filer is installed . Verify that the Forensic Filer main database file exists . Determine the path to the correct MSACCESS.exe file . Check the "server" for updates to Forensic Filer . If an update exists, install it on the local machine . Start Forensic Filer by launching Microsoft Access with all appropriate command line parameters needed. FFLogin performs these tasks by [...]

FAQ — 0.6%

[...] looking in the Windows Registry for some information and by looking in the FFiler.ini file for some of the information. PLEASE NOTE- DO NOT ATTEMPT THESE CHANGES TO THE SYSTEM REGISTRY, FFILER.INI FILE OR RE-INSTALLING FORENSIC FILER UNLESS YOU ARE FULLY AWARE OF HOW TO CHANGE THE REGISTRY SETTINGS AND HAVE THE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE HOW TO DO THESE TASKS PLEASE Contact Us If FFLogin is unable to obtain all of the necessary information, it will display an error message and then exit. [...]

How to print single page of comprehensive report — 0.6%

How to print single page of comprehensive report When printing the comprehensive report, is there any way to print only one page, for example the last page out of four. Select the decedent from the drop down list and then select PREVIEW. Select FILE, then PRINT Select the single page or [...]

Forensic Filer for Windows Support - Home — 0.4%

Terms Of Use Tabs Agencies Autopsy Cause/Manner Cremation Dates/Times Demographics Disposition Exam Final Injury Medical HX Medications MVA Narrative Next Of Kin Scene Valuables Weapons Witnesses Menus Case Management Print Forms Reports Utilities Additions and updates are made often to the Forensic Filer Access support wiki, so come back soon. You can see known issues and recent updates HERE Here is a list of recent updates to the WIKI Page Changes Have a suggestion [...]

How To Copy and Paste Text In Narrative Tab — 0.4%

[...] sentence, or paragraph then use the buttons(scissors,double pages, etc) near the upper left portion of the screen to cut/copy/paste the select text. Just like in Microsoft Word. Depending on the source of the COPY text (Word, Wordpad, etc) you may need to use the CTRL+C to COPY and [...]

Issues — 0.3%

[...] narrative and print a COMPREHENSIVE form and then add details to the narrative and print ONLY the last page of the form, the last line of the narrative is truncated from the printed form. SOLUTION -Workaround- If you need to add more narrative detail and print ONLY the last [...]

How To Print Full Page Images From FF Photo — 0.3%

[...] print photo catalog view and this will not work if someone requests a report If someone request a copy of photos it will only print photo catalog and that is not sufficient. They need 4x6 photos. Currently the way to do this is as follows. While viewing an image, double click the image. There will be an icon near the top that looks like two pages, click on it to COPY the image to the clipboard. You can then PASTE the image into several types of programs such as Microsoft Picture Manager, which comes with Office, [...]

How To Backup The Database — 0.3%

Question How do we create a backup of the Forensic Filer database? Standalone Install On the MAIN MENU select the UTILITIES menu. Select the BACKUP DATABASE command button. Select the path where you would like to save the copy of the database. You can use the BROWSE button to locate a network drive, flash drive, or backup folder on your PC. Please Note: We recommend backing up the database to an external hard drive, not the hard drive on the PC. # Select whether you would like to backup the data only or if you have Forensic Filer [...]

Getting Started — 0.3%

[...] need information entered are: OFFICE DATA and OFFICE STAFF . Even if you have a small office in terms of staff members we recommend that each user has their own login profile. The next task is to enter information into the tables that will be used throughout the application for screen and report heading and drop down tables. Some of the tables that are common to all users are pre-populated for your convienience but you [...]

Next of Kin Tab — 0.3%

[...] Field Descriptions Field Descriptions Field Descriptions Enter information regarding next of kin and last contact with decedent. [...]

Print Forms Main Menu — 0.2%

[...] and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. Print Forms The basic list of print forms below may differ by state, district, county or parish. All of [...]

Windows 32 and 64 bit install — 0.2%

[...] 64 bit versions? If you need to install Forensic Filer on a PC or laptop running a 64 bit version of Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows XP Professional MAKE SURE YOU USE A FULL VERSION OF [...]

Utilities — 0.2%

The first task after installing Forensic Filer is to populate some of the tables used in the application for headings and drop down selections. This includes information about your office and staff, agencies, certifiers, and other data. You can enter the information for all of [...]

Current Version — 0.2%

Current Version of Forensic Filer ACCESS The current published version is 5.4.91 which was released on 02/xx/2020. You can view the Revision History Please go to the Contact Us page to request the latest version of [...]

Narrative Folder — 0.2%

[...] Articles FAQ Forms Issues Resolved Tab Updates Utilities Field Descriptions Enter a description of the incident. You may click on GENERATE TEXT to create a description [...]

Contact Us — 0.2%

[...] person name Contact person email address Contact person phone number including area code Current version of Forensic Filer Detailed description of [...]

How to enter new license keys — 0.1%

[...] new license key the next time they Synchronize. License keys can only be entered by an Administrator of Forensic Filer, and they can only be entered [...]

Office Profile — 0.1%

User Information Enter or change information appropriate for your office type.

Articles — 0.1%

[...] addition to other text fields within Forensic Filer VIEW DETAILS Q4. How to print a single page of the comprehensive report? Good question. You [...]

User Level Security — 0.1%

User Level Security consists of 5 Levels: Please Note: Only ADMINISTRATOR [...]

Summary Case Form — 0.1%

Print Forms The summary case form is typically a one or two page document. All of the print form selection screens have a similar [...]

How To map a server drive in Vista — 0.1%

[...] (UAC) is enabled, which means that even a drive may be mapped, it is only mapped in the “User Session” of the Windows logged in user. When you launch [...]

Backup — 0.1%

[...] your internal standards. Select the BACKUP button from the UTILITIES menu to run a current backup of the database. Backup Database

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