EDRS - PA - Sync and Certify a Case - Step by Step

Modified on 2021/07/22 14:26 by Jericho Johnson — Categorized as: FAQ, Utilities

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Step by Step - Sync and Certify a Case in EDRS

Your personal PA EDRS Username is used to transmit Death Record data from Forensic Filer to the PA EDRS system via the EDRS Bridge

Note: When you Sync a Case to EDRS, your EDRS Username, along with your EDRS Password are encrypted and used to establish the connection to the PA EDRS system. The Death Record details are transmitted from Forensic Filer to the PA EDRS system using your EDRS credentials. To ease the use of the EDRS Sync feature, Forensic Filer stores your Username in your profile so that you don't have to enter it each time you sync. The first time you initiate a Sync during a particular Forensic Filer session, you will be prompted for your EDRS Password. Forensic Filer encrypts and uses that password to make the connection to EDRS, however, Forensic Filer NEVER stores that password in the database or on the server. Your EDRS Password is cached in your login session state only for the duration of your current Forensic Filer login session so that you are not prompted for each successive Sync you initiate during your current session. Once you logout of Forensic Filer (or the 30 minute auto-timeout activates), your EDRS Password is cleared from the session cache and can no longer be used until you enter it again. Also be aware that the PA EDRS system only allows a user to be logged in once at any given time, so if you are logged into the EDRS system and you sync a case from Forensic Filer, your active EDRS session will be terminated, requiring you to login again to Certify the case in EDRS.

Steps To Sync a Death Record from Forensic Filer to the PA EDRS system and Certify the Case in EDRS:

1. Enter the case into Forensic Filer, being sure to fill in all fields related to the Death Certificate and EDRS

At a minimum, you must include
2. From any tab of the Case Screen in Forensic Filer, click the [Sync to EDRS] button at the bottom of the screen


3. You will be prompted for your EDRS Password. Enter it and click [OK]


4. When the Sync is complete, you will notice the [Case ID] assigned by the EDRS system. You can click on the [Case ID] to see any messages from EDRS regarding missing or incorrect data.


5. If all data issues are resolved, or will be Overridden in EDRS, you will need to login to the EDRS system to review and Certify the Case

6. You can click the [EDRS Login] link at the top of the page to open the EDRS login screen


7. Once you are logged into the EDRS system, click on [Death Locate Case]


8. On the [Death Locate Case] screen, search for the Decedent in question by either the [Case ID] assigned by EDRS, OR your office assigned Case Number.


9. On the [Death Search Results] screen, click on the Decedent's name, then, to take ownership as the Certifier, click OK on the confirmation box popup. This will open the Case in EDRS and set you as the Certifier on the [Certifier] screen for this Case


10. When the Case is opened, you may review any of the sections to insure the data is correct, as desired.

11. To Certify the Case, click on the [Certifier] section on the left side, then click on [Validate Page] to display any errors with the Case


12. To override the Certifier License Number error, click on the [Override] check box, then click [Save Overrides] to save this override


13. Finally, click on the [Certify] section on the left side, click on the [I certify that the...] check box, then click the [Affirm] button Certify the Case
