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This search, performed through 1.61 MB (233 documents, 2667 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Resolved — 39.2%

[...] responsive case page or legacy case page can be selected on the MyAccount page. JUNE 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Upgrade mobile functionality. Enhance styling to increase the mobile responsiveness to the User Administration, Print Forms, Reports, Utilities and Case Management pages. MAY 2023 FFNET-000 - ENHANCEMENT- Many design changes for browser/platform compatibility, enhanced case filter functionality. Advanced Case Filter on the Case Management screen allows users to filter by Case Type and Investigator. The [...]

Next of Kin Main Tab — 5.6%

[...] Medications • MVA • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. MIDDLE NAME Field Details : The middle name or middle initial ADDRESS 1 Field Details [...]

Demographics Tab — 3.3%

[...] 02012010. CASE TYPE Field Details : Case type is a selectable item from a dropdown list. The dropdown list includes CORONERS CASE, REFERRAL CASE, HOSPICE and PSYCHIATRIC. LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. The total combination of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name can be any combination of text, [...]

Cremation Tab — 3.1%

[...] TYPE Field Details : Case type is a selectable item [...]

Next of Kin Parents Tab — 3.1%

[...] • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Father Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. MIDDLE NAME Field Details : The middle name or middle initial ADDRESS 1 Field Details [...]

Contact Us — 1.7%

[...] intuitive for Coroners and Medical Examiners. You may find answers to your questions on the FAQ page. Technical Assistance Contact By Email Email us at Support@ForensicFiler.com Technical Assistance Contact By Phone (330) 564-1930 (EST USA) Required Information To Assist Our Staff State [...]

Next of Kin Informant Tab — 1.7%

[...] • Narrative • Next Of Kin-Main • Next Of Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses Informant Field Descriptions LAST NAME Field Details : The last name. FIRST NAME Field Details : The first name. MIDDLE NAME Field Details : The middle name or middle initial ADDRESS 1 Field Details [...]

Wiki Details — 1.7%

[...] Diseases-Conditions Actual-Count Comment Dosage Drug-Catagory Drug-Medication Expected-Count Location-Found Pharmacy Prescribed-By Phone Familiy-Notified Family-Contact-By Last-Contact-Name [...]

Next of Kin Tab — 1.5%

[...] Kin The Next of Kin tab contains two addional sub-tabs for FATHER/MOTHER and INFORMAT information. LAST NAME Field Details : [...]

FAQ — 1.3%

[...] page and look under SUPPORTED INTERFACE section. FAQ-1.1 How do I log in to the application Enter a valid user name (email address) and password. A system generated password will be provided for your initial log in. When you log in for the firat time you will be asked a series of questions that will be used for verification if you or anyone tries to log in using your user name from a different PC or laptop. FAQ-1.2 How can I export to SAP Crystal Reports There is a Crystal reports Viewer that you may install to be able to export [...]

Agencies Tab — 1.3%

[...] Kin-Informant • Next Of Kin-Parents • Overdose • Scene • Toxicology • Valuables • Weapons • Witnesses SCROLL DOWN to see how to add an Agency and Contact to a case. To Add an Agency and Contact to a Case Click the "Add" button near the bottom of the screen. The following popup form will appear allowing you to add an Agency and Contact Person You must first select the Agency by selecting the Type of Agency from the Agency Type drop down Then you select the desired Agency from the Agency drop down (please note, [...]

User Profiles — 1.3%

[...] EDIT for a particular user ID. Once logged in, a user can change their password by selecting their name in the upper right portion of the screen. First Name [...]

Last Name — 1.2%

[...] Free form text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 30 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL last name [...]

Overdose Tab — 1.2%

[...] WHAT AGENCY? : If law enforcement was involved choose a law enforcement agency that has been added on the Agency tab. CONTACT PERSON : Contact person will automatically populate based on the selected Agency. INCIDENT # : Incident # will automatically populate based on the selected Agency. SOURCE OF POISONING : Select one or more checkboxes as the source of overdose poisoning. BAC : If Alcohol is checked the BAC text field will become available to list the BAC percentage and link to the BAC field on the Cause/Manner tab. [...]

Duplicate Name — 1.0%

[...] entering a new Agency? When entering an agency on the Utilities menu you will recieve te duplicate name message if you try to enter an agency with the same DISPLAY NAME. [...]

EDRS - PA - Sync and Certify a Case - Step by Step — 1.0%

[...] fill in all fields related to the Death Certificate and EDRS At a minimum, you must include First Name Middle Name Last Name Gender Date of Death & Modifier Time of Death & Modifier Place of Death Cause of Death Approximate Interval Onset to Death Autopsy Performed Autopsy Results Available If female, pregnancy status Did Tobacco Contribute Manner of Death Coroner's Case Number Injury information if Manner of Death = Accidental Certifier (Final Info tab) 2. From any tab of the [...]

Getting Started for User — 0.8%

[...] your screen, you can select to open it by clicking anywhere on the line for that record. You can enter a complete or partial last name or case number in the box next to the SEARCH button, then select the search button to find the case. If the case appears in the list you can select to open it by clicking anywhere on the line for that record. View Only This function can speed up moving between tabs if you only need to view the case and not enter any changes. Click on the VIEW/PRINT ONLY checkbox at the bootom of the screen. If [...]

Maiden-Name — 0.6%

[...] Next of Kin-Main Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 30 FIELD NOTE Free form text for mothers maiden name.

Weapons Tab — 0.6%

[...] Field Details : Free form text. REQUIRED field. MANUFACTURER Field Details : Free form text. SERIAL NUMBER Field Details : Free form text. OWNER NAME Field Details : Free form text. Could be persons name. CAUSED DEATH Field Details : Check box. Boolean, True (-1) or False (0) TRACK CUSTODY Field Details : Check box. Boolean, True (-1) or False (0) TRACK CUSTODY LIST Field Details : Insert or edit Custody of, Custody By, and Custody date. Allows multiple [...]

MediaVault — 0.6%

[...] allowed Images JPG JPEG PNG TIF TIFF GIF Documents PDF RTF DOC DOCX XLS XLSX ODT ODS Zip Files ZIP Sections Upload Files area Media name and user customizable fields Media File List Media Display area Options Buttons Field Descriptions Upload Files Runtime: Indicates the type of service used for uploading files. ie: [...]

Middle Name — 0.6%

[...] text Next of Kin Tab DATA TYPE Text FIELD SIZE 15 FIELD NOTE Free form text. ALL middle name fields for Next Of Kin, Father/Mother, and [...]

Case Management — 0.6%

[...] on the FAQ page. Print Form Reports Utilities Searching You can enter any portion of the decedent name or case number to search for matching cases When the [Advanced Case Filter] options are chosen, the search feature will respect those options. So, for example, if you have chosen to "Exclude Locked Cases", and you search for [...]

Dates/Times Tab — 0.6%

[...] calculated using this date. DATE OF DEATH (TYPE) - Select from the drop down list. The list included ACTUAL, BASED ON DATE FOUND, APPROXIMATELY. REPORTED BY - Enter the name of the person reporting the incident. (REPORTED) [...]

Cause/Manner Tab — 0.4%

[...] Intervention selected. NALOXONE ADMINISTERED : Select whether Naloxone was administered. BYSTANDER DOSE(S) : Enter the name and number of doses of Naloxone administered by bystander, unavailable unless Naloxone administered is set to Yes. FIRST RESPONDER [...]

FF.NET Home — 0.4%

[...] Tasks Office Profile User Profiles My Account Utilities Mediavault Setup Chargeable Feature - Contact Us for pricing Case Data Export User Help Getting Started FAQ How-To Issues Resolved/Enhancments Known Issues TIPS Contact [...]

Login — 0.4%

[...] enter in the following URL www.forensicfiler.net or https://www.forensicfiler.net Enter a valid user name (email address) and password. A system generated password will be provided for your initial log in. When you log in for the firat time you will be asked a series of questions that will be used for verification if you or anyone tries to log in using your user name [...]

Cremation Authorization — 0.4%

[...] SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. [...]

Autopsy Authorization — 0.4%

[...] SUPPORT Select the form you want to print and then specify a specific case either by case number or last name. [...]

Witnesses Tab — 0.4%

[...] select EDIT. Field descriptions WITNESS TYPE Field Details : Select from the drop down list. The drop down list includes MATERIAL and INVESTIGATOR [...]

Valuables Tab — 0.4%

[...] IDENTFYING MARKS Field Details : Free form text. SERIAL NUMBER Field Details : Free form text. OWNER Field Details : Free form text. Could be persons name. QUANTITY Field Details : Numeric value. VALUE Field Details : Numeric value. TRACK CUSTODY Field Details : Check box. Boolean, True (-1) or False (0) [...]

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